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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
By guy
43 Years Old

Living with depression takes its toll. You ask for time to heal. You ask people to understand.You look for Support. But then you take a closer look and find out that one of your children might be suffering from simular experiences. You understand what their going through but you expect to cure them over night because you explained to them what works for you. You expect them to quickly recover because it happened to you and you are making sure they will not fall into the same dilema. Deep inside even though you understand self depression you try to figure out how this could of happened to the playful child your watched grow up in front of you.Not seeing that the child has absorbed trates you have left behind in their memory.We must put our remedies aside and look at them as another person that needs to find their way to happiness again. Ask them questions like;

  • What has made you so unhappy?
  • what were you thinking when this happened?
  • What did you want to say to this person?
  • How can I help?

By asking questions, your giving them the feeling of being in control of their choices.Offer them alternatives and let them pick one. Sometimes we get caught up in our own past and think by telling them what they need to do is helping but it is only holding their independence back from knowing how to create positive innerstrength to problem solving. When you look at your children, you see the future.

Posted by Guy : Feb 27, 2006

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