Share Your Story Column
TweetAlmost all the depressed people have something deep within them which they have sometimes shared, but most of the times, kept upto themselves. These feelings describe how they are treated, how they felt, how they are hurt, how they have been behaved with, etc. Share your deep thoughts here anonymously so that you can vent them off.
Your Own Section of Depression Stories, Questions, Experiences and Feelings
Come and share your personal depression experiences so that others will also learn from your personal experiences with depression. This blog is intended for the sole purpose of recovery from depression.
The stories and feelings which you people share will help others with depression know that they are not alone. Pass on a helping hand towards the families and friends of people with depression to understand and break down the stigma and misconceptions surrounding depression. You may also ask questions and queries about depression in this section. This blog is about understanding and HOPE.
Wendy Williams story on Depression struggle
Top Stories on Depression and related illness
i'm i depressed?? - lost my friend two years back.But till now i can't compensate her lose.I'm not interested in any of the activities.And now i cry | wounds of my heart - I am a 15 year old guy and a total wreck.I have been for as long as I remember. It started in kindergarten where I was stripped naked |
depression for years -I have been going through depression for about 17 years. I'm now 35 years old and almost everyday I wake up feeling down... | i dont know am 17- dont know where to start i feel really bad its every day i feel like this i just want to kill my self but can. | |
I have no more guts to face my parents - Iam 15 I and my frds bunked our school exhibition for two days with few boys... | Nice guy syndrome - I've been suffering depression since i was around 17. I was diagnosed with Tourettes syndrome... |
More in Depression Stories
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- You agree that your story may not be published elsewhere online in the future. We perform regular checks for duplicate content on the web. In the event your story is found to have been republished elsewhere, we may remove it from without notice. You may link from your own site or social media to your story on, however.
- Express others how you kept hope during despair.
- Inspire people with your own story
- Remember to share your depression solutions.
- Share what works for you to stay on top of depression.
- Let us know what inspires you.
- You have magic in your depression remedial recipe. Spread the buzz across
I will review all submissions before posting them to the blog.
Let's see how much of a hope-filled environment we can create for all who are here now and for those yet to come!
Don't be bashful, please funnel your thoughts into the form and send them right away. You'll feel better for doing it!
Send us your story about depression |
Thank you for sharing!
Here are the stories and personal experiences shared by people like you:
- My Depressed Life
- The Secret Life Of Depression and Anxiety
- i'm i depressed??
- wounds of my heart
- depression for years
- i dont know am 17
- I have no more guts to face my parents
- Nice guy syndrome
- My story
- depression hurts
- Nobody cares and why should they
- The Slacker Perfectionist
- To Finally Drop My Fake Smile
- People i walk with
- one girl, one depression, one not understanding world
- What Hurts the Most
- Tired of everything
- hate of life
- thinking
- Life-Long Despair
- 2nd Birth
- Depression
- Slow Dance
- Traumatized by my husband
- My long road to recovery
- My Lifes Proper Bangers Mate
- I get no relief
- love hurts - girlfriend broke up with me because I\'m 11 years older then her
- Wanting to give Giving up
- I know How you Feel
- Depression how it can affect u
- whys this me against the world
- My Hidden Secrets
- This pain
- How Schutzhund Saved Me
- Depression Confession - A Father’s Determination
- Depth of Depression, My Story
- So YOU think YOU have it bad eh ????
- Story of my life
- The Room and the Return Mar 14
- MY Life
- Acceptance
- Depression gets the best of us
- Improving Self Esteem - I am a Loser effect
- I don't care anymore
- Living in a moment
- I have no friends - what to do?
- These Things Have Saved Me submitted by Clara Kremer (Jun 11' 2010, Age- 18)
- heart break box submitted by sarah (Jun 8' 2010, Age- 14)
- A Concerned Mother by Mariafelix on June 21, 2005
- Come as you are. submitted by Crybaby (Jun 8' 2010, Age- 14)
- 14 year old girl with deppression - July 7, 2008
- Becca Mild Depression - September 10, 2006
- Jayne (We can get rid of it) - March 9, 2006
- Guy (The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree ) - Feb 27, 2006
- Karen (Systemic Lupus Erythematosis - The Will to Survive ) - Jan 24, 2006
- Claire (Beat depression dont let it beat you ) - Jan 18, 2006
- majordepressedguy (Seen a light) - Jan 10, 2006
- Dylan ( My Depression) - Jan 10, 2006
- DEBBIE - July 28, 2005
- april banlawi - July 19, 2005
- Raven - June 22, 2005
- Jack - June 9, 2005
- Criss - June 8, 2005
- Theresa - May 8, 2005
- Jen - April 20, 2005
- Nick - April 18, 2005
- Georgie - April 16, 2005
- Ashley : April 11, 2005
- Lisa : April 9, 2005
- Brittany - Jan 10, 2005
- Doug - March 1, 2005
- Dianna - May 18, 2005
- Audery - July 9, 2004
- Michelle - June 29, 2004
rachel (Jun 11' 2010 TITLE:-
19) said:
L - Lake Of Sorrow
O - Ocean Of Death
V - Valley Of Tears
E - Ends ur LIFE
DONT DO IT !!!!!!!
S.A (Jun 6' 2010) said:
I am now having depression, because I had problems that comes to me one after another. I had a guy friend, he had confessed his love to me, but now,he left me and is nowhere to be trusted best friend whom I had known for 6 years, broke up with me, and since she broke up with me, I became really depressed,cause she broke up with me just after that guy left me. now, almost each and every one of my friends are backstabbing me. I don't understand why they are doing that, I had always been there for them, but now, they're doing the opposite to me..every night, I would slit my wrists, I would not stop until every cut is bleeding...I just don't know when this is going to stop...:(
friedmann said:
it's so bad, I'm tired of this; i have had it before and now it came back. it was crouching and before i realised i'm back deep in it. i'm tired of being tired, i'm tired of having no pleasures, i'm tired of feeling that there is nothing to look forward to, i'm tired of having no hope. i cannot think of anything that would make me feel better, that would make me WANT something.
TITLE:--- a normal kid turned bad
AGE--- 16
I never had a really fullfilling life. When I was in grade school i didnt have any friends, my grades were low, I had no self-confidence. About 2 years ago i got into drugs and alcohol. Through drugs and alcohol i made dozens of friends and aquantinces (drug dealers), Thats thats the main reason i kept doing them. Then my grades were dropping, i was skipping classes to drink and do drugs, my school life went down the drain. About 4 months ago i got arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). After that i started to show signs of depression, but i didnt think much of it. Recently i have felt severly depressed, i started cutting my wrists to deal with the stress. i just dont know what the FUCK to do.
Posted by Ben on August 2, 2006
allen hamilton said:
TITLE:--- lifeless
AGE--- 20
i feel so not there head hurting. twicting panic attacks. sick to stomach blurr vision. teeth hurt
Posted by allen hamilton on July 9, 2006
samantha said:
TITLE:--- Everyday
AGE--- 14
i've been depressed 4 a little over 10 months and it hurts i feel all sad and alone in my house i feel alone with no1 to talk to i guess its b/c im getting older but still i just want my parents to appreciate me 1ce in a while like they do my other sibilings
Posted by samantha on April 4, 2006
TITLE:--- Everyday
AGE--- 14
Everyday I feel worried about nothing. It's hard because I go to school and feel that way. I can never pay attention in class and I always snap at my best friends. I take Zoloft but sometimes it doesn't work. I feel depressed right now because I think I won't have a future.
Posted by Mary on March 12, 2006
TITLE:--- Real story
AGE--- 16
I haven't got held back ...ever....never got a 45% on a test this year.....i guess i am kind of good at sports....bottom line ...who ever did this shouldnt of ...this is not funny .....
Posted by The real josh gable on March 1, 2006
Guy said:
The School of Success for the depressed
AGE--- Experienced to help out
Being happier and content comes from deep inside, NOT a pill! There's no other way around it or a short cut. No one will ever say it was easy'
but I will say it can be done! If you don't do your homework, you will not graduate. You will end up working for Misery Incorporated. Your choice, Your move.....Knowledge and innerstrength add up to success.precious time is a terrible thing to lose~We have the inner ability to change ourselves, records shows that we are incapable of changing history. The future shows opportunities for you to share what you have adapted.My thoughts go out to the people who fight to get better understanding like me~Major~Guy {:(}
Posted by Guy on Feb 27, 2006
Carolina said:
TITLE:--- A little bit about me...
AGE--- 27 yrs
I've have been suffering from severe depression for the past year. I have tried to commit suicide a few times. Some days I have problems coping with it, sometimes I will even mutilate myself in any possible way. I have overcame anorexia and managed to put back 50 pounds. I know that i still have an awful lot to put back in my life again, and have promised myself to do so with the help of my family, doctors and the people like you guys...
Please contact me, and lets help each other! Thank you very much!
Posted by Carolina on Feb 13, 2006
josh gable said:
TITLE:--- useless
AGE--- 16
It was in september and i was already in my first month of school. In september I always felt like i needed to hide because it was the month of my birthday, but that was not the problem i started school late and plus my parents held me back in the second grade because of my reading skills. It wasnt always easy to hide because i was the best athlete, artist,and i was very popular,but the way i thought of it was all of that should not count because i had the edge on almost every i even had the edge on most of the sophmores. Basketball season had started and my grades were still very poor. I made the A reserve team and i felt bad, i mean i was the oldest and i had the most talent i donno why id be put in this position... I missed the fifth game in because i was sick..we had practice after that and i was to find that my replacement would start over me..this didnt make this any easier for me....The only way that i could release myself from all of my stess was to play soccer ... i think i will always be the best soccer player in nebraska because no one plays on the same skill level that i started and i got pulled out of my algebra class to talk about my grades(ofcourse thats not what i told my friends though). i was told that i wouldnt be able to play on the varsity team if i didnt get my grades up..i know that alone would hurt me alot but most of all it would hurt my team.....we just got done with an algebra test and i got a 45%...thats not good..and after school id play on the b-ball team....well i didnt get to play that much and i know it wasnt because of my grades because the new semester im stuck here looking at the shower and glacing at my radio......bye.
Posted by josh gable on Jan 24, 2006
Guy said:
TITLE:--- Knowledge of Knowing How...
AGE--- 36yrsExper.!
To have Depression..Is to have 1st hand experience..
To ask for help. Is to reach out..
To Recieve. Is to Believe..
To gain ability. Is to gain Trust..
To end this pain. We must master the shared knowlegde of 'positive results
Posted by Guy on Jan 23, 2006
You can't change the past, so why try?
You can't change the world, so why try?
You can change thought's, so why die?
You can change your choices, so why die?
You can make it, just believe!
You can walk away, just belive!
You can find new friends, just believe!
You can do whatever you set your mind to,
Posted by Guy on Jan 17, 2006
I have suffered with hormonal depression since early puberty. At first I had seizures preceeding my periods about once every 3 months! After about the age of 18, I had experienced seizures enough to realize that my periods had somthing to do with the seizures and why they occured at the frequency at which they did! When I expressed that to the doctors at a leading university they scoffed at the idea, thinkinking I, a female just wanted attention! They were so embarrashed that I nrver told another doctor about it again! As the years went on, I married, had four daughters, and suffered terrible post partem depression, terrible headaches seizures and paronia! Once I was hospitalized for 2 weeks following the birth of my third daughter! Now that I am menapausal i take a daily tranquilizer to prevent seizures. One of my daughters inherited my condition. While being on the birth control pills I did not suffer from pms, but I still had postpartem depression following each childbirth!
Posted by DELORIS DAVENPORT on Dec 12, 2005
gus said:
I feel so out of touch with my feelings i'm a walking zombie, i feel miserable, sad, no hope, plainly out of it. i get up early in the mornings and just dread to be awake. when will i get relief? i pray everyday, hoping i will be heard, hoping i will feel better, God where are you?
Posted by gus on Nov 23, 2005
I have been on my job for a little over two and a half years. Last November, I got moved off of third shift onto second shift. I would go home (while still working third shift) and go to sleep at around 8a.m.(I got off of work at 7a.m.) Out of nowhere, I would just wake up after only about four hours of sleep. I would just lay in bed all day trying to go back to sleep but I would not get sleepy until about two or three hours until it was time to go to work. It would get so bad that I would start to feel as if I were asleep and woke at the same time. Today, even though I am now on second shift and am now getting my 8 hours of sleep,I still fell like that. What is the medical term for that, if there is one? Sometimes, I feel as if I am going to pass out or just fall asleep. Other times, I feel paranoid, other times depressed. Could this have anything to do with sleep?
Posted by Vincent Vaughn on Nov 13, 2005
s.c.p. said:
TITLE--- friendship brokeout
AGE--- 36
Last year, I fall in love with a guy, but that men fall in love with other women and refuse me. I fell terrible! Was so humilliant. Finally he married her and I fell like ugly women because of his refuse. This year I know someone else. But the last experience was present in my mind. First, I refuse to acept him, because I had that bad experience. But, Thanks to the intervention of the Holly Spirit, because I am a born again person, I found the way to forgive that man who refuse me in the past, and begin to be a very happy woman with my new relationship. I love him, and I know that he is a very special person to me. Thanks God!!!
Posted by s.c.p. on Aug 31, 2005
michael holland said:
my depression i am still going through. It almost feels like im dead not here. i am always tired dont like to be around people very much and i hate life. I feel like crap. It feels like a glass is in front of me and im trapped i just cant get out of it no matter how hard i try. it really sucks. And my memory sucks to i cant remember hardly any thing although it is getting better.Bafore i couldnt even remember walking down the hall but its better know. ive been going through depression for about 9 months now with out any medications but luckily im probally going to get put on some here pretty soon.
Posted by michael holland on Aug 29, 2005
Sandy said:
Depression creeps up with no warning signs. You're ok one minute & the next minute you get foreboding thoughts that all sorts of things can "possibly" go wrong & you can do nothing to prevent them if they should happen. You might even know the thoughts are not well-founded or sensible, maybe will never even manifest, nevertheless the thoughts are there. And if you have noone to understand you don't enjoy being in that depressive state, it makes it worse for you. People want you to "snap out of it". Yeah right, like we want to live in this valley. When some of us are like this, we want to avoid folks because even we don't like ourselves at this time. On my mirror I have posted a note..."Jesus accepts me & loves me just as I am. The happy me & the occassional depressed miserable me." This anchors my soul & warms me inside. Everyone needs someone in their life to accept them in the dark moods & the bright ones.
Posted by sandy on Aug 22, 2005 ..........................................................................................................................
jeanine said:
Journey To A Sacred Place
When all you have is a broken spirit and a wounded heart Is there anyone who cares? In a world were life has lost its true meaning.
Hatred and despair is everywhere. It is with creativity, true expression and with wisdom is a strength that you will achieve.
Believe your intuition and share your greatest gifts without condition.
Doing this, you will find the one who cares.
Who will help you on your journey, to your sacred place, the child within There your answers to your questions and truth unfold. Your broken spirit and wounded heart will heal and you will have found your true meaning spread your wings you will be free.
Posted by jeanine on Aug 12, 2005 .........................................................................................................................
Ilse said:
My family and I decided to go on holiday in December 2004 to Thiland, we visited Singapore, Puket, and then Phi Phi Island, and thats when the terror struck, we were all on the beach, myself, my 7 year old little girl, my husband, my sister and brother in law, and my mother and father in law. Sadly I lost my husband and father in law, almost my little girl too but managed to revive her. Battered, cut and bruized we returned to South Africa. In the beginning I managed quite well, but I'm finding it harder to cope somedays that at times I just want to screem, I'm filled with anger and sorrow and sometimes I experience flash backs, I try to pre occupy my mind with other things but at times being mom and dad and holding down a full time job and running a home is just too much and trying to cope with my greef not to mention what my little girl is going through without her daddy. I have a lot of friends but its not the same as having your soul mate to comfort you, the lonliness just gets to me some days.
Posted by Ilse : Aug 4, 2005
Hunnie said:
I just wanted to say that I think this is a great place. I have suffered from depression on and off since I was a teenager. Some times were darker than others and some were not so bad. Right now I'm 42 and have had some serious health issues which have in the long run made things worse. I'm still having trouble finding a medication that helps.
Posted by Hunnie: May 30, 2005
alex said:
hey nick if u ever want to talk to somebody im here for u and anyone else who needs to talk about somthin in there lives if u do my e mail is dimin_playa_4life08
Posted by alex: May 8, 2005
Helena said:
i suffer from cronic depression,anxeady,and attention disorder deficit. Is really hard for me to accept that i'm metaly ill. But one thing that has helped me is 6 little birds i have as pets it migth sounds silly, but i helps me to stay grounded and when suicides come to my head i think of those 6 little indefence being that without me they would not survive, cause i'm the one that feds them and knows their needs noone in my house cares for them as i do. I have a bond with them, they trust me and called me. It feels good to feel needed and useful. cause depression brings feelings of despair and failess.
So a pet migth help to get better in your down times.
Posted by Helena: May 6, 2005
michelle said:
I read Georgie's story I could relate to her a lot because I was diagnosed with depression three years ago at age 27 and now I'm 30. I'm still working everyday with this battle of mental illness and it's not easy when I'm having bad days because I still feal very scared but I know what I have to do to try and think positive about myself talk to the people who understands you which is very important and that are positive also I find that works for me. Some days I feel like ending my life but I know that if I do that I leave people who loves me and care about me behind and they've been there for me through this hard battle which I am very grateful. WE have to put ourselves first and take care of us because were number one in this world. So anybody who reads this experience of mine your not alone out there suffering this hard mental battle even though sometimes you think you are. Take care.
Posted by michelle: April 27, 2005
Ralph said:
Pray to God, he will help. Talk to someone, don't isolate. Don't avoid your feelings, face them they are valid. Just ride things out it'll get better.
Posted by Ralph: April 25, 2005
ilse beebe said:
alienation from family, constant dread of the sky falling on is so bad,that sometimes i have to inconsolably cry,wishing for me to be
Posted by ilse beebe: April 22, 2005
Sandy said:
Not doing so well with my depression lately. I know I need to do something now.I also know that the sadness will end .This is what keeps me going.
Posted by Sandy: April 17, 2005
silvia said:
i am very depress becouse my mother hate my husband and my husband hate my mother becouse of my husband i nevver time with my mother and she bad too
Posted by silvia : March 29, 2005
larkisha said:
I never thought of it as an illness. It was just apart of me. i am 17 years old and I am still battling with this bitter part of my life. I feel like my depression is lurking with in me and any stupid situation can trigger it. I never got help because I concealled It so well. I guess this is my confession. It started when I was a little girl. I would isolate myself at home and at school. I just thought I wasn't a "people person". As I got older the panic attacks and the intense anxiety became frequent. I leaned how to cope wth my depression. In high school I would hide it all with fake smiles and excuses. Then I would sneak away to the bathroom and "let it out". I always figured that the world preferred the "happier'' side of me. I couldn't get keep friends because they didn't understand me. I didn't trust anyone.I felt alone.... that's when the self-mutilation began.I hated myself. I felt sorry for myself.Ididn't belong here. I belonged some where alone and the those thoughts hurt me. lately I have been focusing on my faith and the beutiful qualities about life.
Posted by larkisha: March 25, 2005
Rob said:
I m 18 and I have depression. It stared last year when I had a operation and since that I have been depressed. It was really bad at first then it wasnt so bad it comes and goes. Today is really bad right now it feels so strange like somethings in my head. I feel excusted right now. I want to take antidepresins but im afirad of the side effects and im on alot of tablets already. I dont give up hope im going to try beat this thing. If anyone is on antidepresins could you email me and tell me do they help and are the side effects bad?
Posted by Rob: March 16, 2005
Magen said:
I am a recovering cutter as well as recovering anorexian.
Posted by Magen: March 15, 2005
dave w said:
I am 36 and getting divorced. My problems seem to stem from my mom dying when I was 5 and my not getting over the abandonment issues. Whenever a girl broke up with me I would get sad, so this is the worst because I am really a nice person when people have faith in me and stay with me.
Posted by dave w: Feb 16, 2005
Benin said:
well, i have depression, but im living my life to the fullest, because 1) i am taking anti depressants 2) i have a loving family 3) i know every thing happens for a reason, and people have soo many illnesses, that this is a tiny thing. Therefore, any one who has it, i advise them to seek help and dont fret at all.
Posted by Benin: Feb 12, 2005.........................................................................................................................�
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Greetings to all! Excuse for this message, but at you excellent design of a site! Very much it was pleasant to me, I shall come here very often! - John (3/06/2006)
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Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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More Depression Stories
- 2nd Birth
- Depression
- Slow Dance
- Traumatized by my husband
- My long road to recovery
- My Lifes Proper Bangers Mate
- I get no relief
- Love hurts
- Wanting to give Giving up
- I know How you Feel
- Depression how it can affect u
- whys this me against the world
- My Hidden Secrets
- This pain
- How Schutzhund Saved Me
- Depression Confession - A Father's Determination
- Depth of Depression, My Story
- So YOU think YOU have it bad eh ????
- Story of my life
- The Room and the Return
- MY Life
- Acceptance
- Depression gets the best of us
- Improving Self Esteem - I am a Loser effect
- I don't care anymore
- Living in a moment
- I have no friends - what to do?
- These Things Have Saved Me
- heart break box
- A Concerned Mother
- Come as you are.
- 14 year old girl with deppression
- Becca Mild Depression
- Jayne (We can get rid of it)
- Guy (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree )
- Karen (Systemic Lupus Erythematosis - The Will to Survive )
- Claire (Beat depression dont let it beat you )
- majordepressedguy (Seen a light)
- Dylan ( My Depression)
- april banlawi
- Raven
- Jack
- Criss
- Theresa
- Jen
- Nick
- Georgie
- Ashley
- Lisa
- Brittany
- Doug
- Dianna
- Audery
- Michelle
- i\'m i depressed??
- wounds of my heart
- depression for years
- i dont know am 17
- I have no more guts to face my parents
- Nice guy syndrome
- My story
- depression hurts
- Nobody cares and why should they
- The Slacker Perfectionist
- To Finally Drop My Fake Smile
- People i walk with
- one girl, one depression, one not understanding world
- What Hurts the Most
- Tired of everything
- hate of life
- thinking
- Life-Long Despair
- How does depression affect your daily life?
- My Depressed Life
- The Secret Life Of Depression and Anxiety