Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and ADD
TweetADHD is not a taboo. There are people in the world who are very rich and successful, but they do suffer from ADHD. So, do not tag yourself as failure, if you are diagnosed with ADHD. Remember, as it is always said, you are not alone and this time you are with the people of the like - Richard Branson, Paris Hilton, Will Smith, etc.
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder definition?
According to the 2000 American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Text Revision, of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV-TR), ADHD is a Disruptive Behavior Disorder characterized by on-going inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity occurring in several settings and more frequently and severely than is typical for individuals in the same stage of development. Symptoms begin before age 7 years and can cause serious difficulties in home, school or work life. ADHD can be managed through behavioral or medical interventions, or a combination of the two. Learn more on adhd
Facts about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a common childhood condition that can be treated. ADHD may affect certain areas of the brain that allow problem solving, planning ahead, understanding others’ actions, and impulse control. Across the USA, over 25 million dollars are spent annually in prescriptions of stimulant drugs such as Aderall and Ritalin for children as young as age three. These children are diagnosed with either ADHD or autism. ADHD is profoundly characterized by inattention or hyperattention both forming part of impulsive behavior that is abnormal for that age level. This behaviour persists for more than six months to be summarized as ADHD. Approximately everywhere about one to three child in every classroom are diagnosed with ADHD. Children who are diagnosed with ADHD are generally speaking 30% behind their peers socially. So to give an example, a 15 year old person suffering from ADHD will have maturity level of an 11 year old normal child.
ADHD is disgnosed more in boys than in girls. This disorder was renamed in 1994 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).
Don't shy away from ADHD Thinking
For the diagnosis of ADHD, a child is evaluated and a child study team works with the children, teachers and parents. Judging ADHD requires that if a certain number of symptoms are considered to reach a level of intensity and duration to the point that it interferes with a kids ability to sustain day to day activities over an extended period, this can result in labelling a child as ADHD. The benefit of this is that it enables people to give extra time and attention to the individual child. A personal help might be made available also. Parents can also get educated to take appropriate measures and make adjustments in their parenting techniques. This can lead to child's predisposition towards hyperactivity or distractibility. The key to child improvement lies in the extra attention which given to a child in many forms.
There is no accurate diagnosis mechanism set straight or purely physical test similar to brain scan which can determine presence of ADHD. In modern times even with computer aided testing, the subject of ADHD diagnosis is highly subjective. ADHD is a bunch of symptom which makes it highly sensitive for both sufferer and the people nearby.
How to overcome ADHD Challenge?
ADHD is best overcome by overcoming the symptoms of ADHD. This is something similar to a disease which has symptoms which gives lot of troubles. ADHD can be dealt with very effectively if the symptoms are managed properly.
ADHD management will need the suitable combination of following techniques:
- Medications
- Behavior modifications
- Lifestyle changes
- Counseling.
Understand the Symptoms for Overcoming ADHD
As a parent or guardian or relative of person suffering from ADHD, it is highly recommended to first know the symptoms, before going for options of Overcoming ADHD. Here are the general symptoms of ADHD based ont he type:
Inattentive type symptoms
- Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
- Have difficulty focusing on one thing
- Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something enjoyable
- Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new
- Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments,
- Often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities
- Not seem to listen when spoken to
- Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly
- Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others
- Struggle to follow instructions.
Hyperactive type symptoms
- Fidget and squirm in their seats
- Talk nonstop
- Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight
- Have trouble sitting still during dinner, school, and story time
- Be constantly in motion
- Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities.
Thinking about Tips for Overcoming ADHD
Children with ADHD need proper routine and guidance. They are people with beautiful and brilliant mind. They need support from all around them to show thier full potential and to succeed in school. Parents and children may need special help to overcome bad feelings. Mental health professionals needs to educate parents about ADHD and how this thing will change the life forever in the family. Remember that ADHD is not something by which the child will be mentaly retarded. There are numerous example of people suffering from ADHD and still highly successful professionals such as doctors, engineers, financial experts, etc. Below are some of the points which you can do to help them help themselves.
- There is a common tendency of people with ADHD, they may sit quietly, seeming to work, but they are often not paying attention to what they are doing.
- Try to keep up the same routine every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Include time for homework, outdoor play, and indoor activities. Keep the schedule on the refrigerator or on a bulletin board in the kitchen. Write changes on the schedule as far in advance as possible.
- Organize everyday items. Have a place for everything, and keep everything in its place.
- Use homework and notebook organizers. Use organizers for school material and supplies.
- Be clear and consistent. Children with ADHD need consistent rules.
- Give praise or rewards when rules are followed. Positive affirmation is the key.
- Make sure your child is supervised all the time. ADHD child may need more adult supervision than other children their age.
- Watch your child around his or her friends.
ADHD mindset thinking - Help them help themselves
We as parents grow optimistic and think that the child will eventually "grow out" of ADHD. The truth is harsh and it says that it is not true for most children. But better ADHD mangement can make life of everyone better. Symptoms of ADHD often get better as children grow older and learn to adjust. Hyperactivity usually stops in the late teenage years. But about half people with ADHD continue to be easily distracted, have mood swings, hot tempers and are unable to complete tasks. Children with ADHD can become well-adjusted adults if they have loving and supportive parents and proper help from teachers and doctors.
Reality Check - Are People with ADHD Brilliant?
Well again a topic of high debate same as the disgnosis and labelling a person as ADHD. It is subjective topic since there are examples of people with ADHD displaying marvelous results in many spheres of life so as to call then brilliant. There are again examples of people who find it difficult to even adjust with normal life. So nothing to justify if there is someone with ADHD. In my eyes, it is the cost of intelligence that a person pays.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms of ADHD will appear over the course of many months, and include:
- Impulsiveness: a child who acts quickly without thinking first.
- Hyperactivity: a child who can't sit still, walks, runs, or climbs around when others are seated, talks when others are talking.
- Inattention: a child who daydreams or seems to be in another world, is sidetracked by what is going on around him or her. Learn more on ADHD symptoms
Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD
If ADHD is suspected, the diagnosis should be made by a professional with training in ADHD. This includes child psychiatrists, psychologists, developmental/behavioral pediatricians, behavioral neurologists, and clinical social workers. After ruling out other possible reasons for the child's behavior, the specialist checks the child's school and medical records and talks to teachers and parents who have filled out a behavior rating scale for the child. A diagnosis is made only after all this information has been considered. Learn more on Diagnosing ADHD
What is treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD
Effective treatments for ADHD are available, and include behavioral therapy and medications. Learn more on ADHD Treatment
Related Information on ADHD:
Causes of ADHD
Disorders that Sometimes Accompany ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults - Treatment and medication of ADHD in Adults
Your Teenager with ADHD
ADHD Child - Your ADHD Child and School, The Family and the ADHD Child
ADHD Medication
Is It Really ADHD?
Not everyone who is overly hyperactive, inattentive, or impulsive has ADHD. Since most people sometimes blurt out things they didn't mean to say, or jump from one task to another, or become disorganized and forgetful, how can specialists tell if the problem is ADHD?
Because everyone shows some of these behaviors at times, the diagnosis requires that such behavior be demonstrated to a degree that is inappropriate for the person's age. The diagnostic guidelines also contain specific requirements for determining when the symptoms indicate ADHD. The behaviors must appear early in life, before age 7, and continue for at least 6 months. Above all, the behaviors must create a real handicap in at least two areas of a person's life such as in the schoolroom, on the playground, at home, in the community, or in social settings. So someone who shows some symptoms but whose schoolwork or friendships are not impaired by these behaviors would not be diagnosed with ADHD. Nor would a child who seems overly active on the playground but functions well elsewhere receive an ADHD diagnosis.
To assess whether a child has ADHD, specialists consider several critical questions: Are these behaviors excessive, long-term, and pervasive? That is, do they occur more often than in other children the same age? Are they a continuous problem, not just a response to a temporary situation? Do the behaviors occur in several settings or only in one specific place like the playground or in the schoolroom? The person's pattern of behavior is compared against a set of criteria and characteristics of the disorder as listed in the DSM-IV-TR.

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