Adderall and ADD/ADHD
TweetWhat type of drug is this?
Adderall is a stimulant that can work to treat ADHD. It is a stimulant that works without the use of methylphenidate but with amphetamine salts. This is a different type of material that will be safer for a child to use and can work to make it so the effects of ADHD can be reduced over time. This is one of the most beneficial drugs that nay child can take advantage of.
The drug is safe for children in that it can be found in many small doses. These doses range from 5mg to 30mg in size. This will make it easier for a child to feel the effects without having to deal with too many concerns in the body as a result of the drug.
It will not last for too long
An important concern to see with Adderall for ADHD is that it will not work for too much time. A typical dosage of Adderall for a child will last a few hours on average. The main thing to see here is that this medication should be used twice a day in order for it to work out right.
However, there are some XR, or Extended Release, versions of the drug on the market. These versions will work slowly and can only be taken once in a day.
Risks can be involved
Even though this stimulant can be used to reduce the effects of ADHD it can create some other effects. For instance, Adderall can cause insomnia and anorexia in some of the most severe cases. Abdominal pain can also be experienced. Anyone who deals with these symptoms while taking this drug should consult one’s doctor as soon as possible in order to see if something wrong is happening with the drug.

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