Home Disorders ADHD Thiamine Deficiency and ADD/ADHD

Thiamine Deficiency and ADD/ADHD


How does thiamine relate to ADHD?

Thiamine, which is the general name for Vitamin B1, is a nutrient that may be linked to ADHD. This works in that thiamine is used to metabolize glucose in the body. This includes levels of glucose in the brain. A brain that is able to work with this material will be able to function properly and will not be too problematic. An inability of the thiamine to work with this part of the brain will cause it to develop signs of ADHD.

Meanwhile, thiamine will work to produce various chemicals in the brain. These include such common chemicals as dopamine and serotonin. Proper production of these chemicals will work to allow a person to have a better amount of brain function. Not having any thiamine in one’s diet will cause a person to develop ADHD symptoms because of how the thiamine will not be able to either handle these chemicals or to handle the glucose in the brain.

But a regimen of thiamine can help, right?

Using thiamine in one’s diet can prove to be beneficial. Thiamine will work to encourage the brain to handle its neurotransmitters in a proper manner. This is provided that the right amount of thiamine is used in one’s diet. The best thing to do here is to check with a doctor to see what amount of thiamine is right for one’s general needs.

The brain can also be protected

The effects of thiamine on the brain are important to see when handling ADHD as well. Thiamine will be able to help build on the protective coverings on the nerves in the brain. This is so they will not be impacted in a significant manner at any time. Also, the brain will not be suspect to sensitive activities as it could be when plenty of thiamine is used in one’s diet.