Milk and Gluten Withdrawal
TweetGluten concerns can cause ADHD
A number of studies in the past have found that people who are allergic to gluten and dairy products will be more likely to deal with various neurological disorders. One of these disorders in particular is ADHD. This is something that has prompted many people to reconsider the gluten and milk that they consume in their diets.
The result that many people choose to use is that of a withdrawal of gluten and milk from a diet. This is used as a means of working to eliminate a potential cause of these signs of ADHD.
But how does this work?
It is not fully clear as to how milk and gluten can trigger ADHD. However, a theory known as the opiate excess theory might be the key to this consideration. The opiate excess theory states that gluten and casein can be transmitted into opiates in some people. The opiates in question will cause the brain to begin to act improperly as its neurotransmitters will be significantly impacted. This can cause the effects of ADHD to be more likely to occur.
How to make a proper withdrawal
Anyone who considers this option for treating ADHD signs should be careful. It is best to avoid switching to a non-gluten or non-dairy diet too quickly. A sudden switch can cause the body to feel withdrawal symptoms that can easily impact how active one is.
The best thing to do during the withdrawal is to focus on gluten-free variants of different foods. These include things like gluten-free wheat or flour and dairy-free yogurt among other items. Many of these variants are available for those who are allergic to these materials and can help to ensure that the signs of different disorders like ADHD can be relieved. This is a necessity for those who want to improve their conditions.

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