Home Quiz Schizophrenia Quiz, Real or Beyond World?

Schizophrenia Quiz, Real or Beyond World?


Schizophrenia is very wide spread now and it is affecting more than 24 milltion people over the world. It has grown into a big problem and there is little awareness about this illness. Can it be treated and can it be cured by the help of medicines or therapy? The answers are still unknown. But we can detect it early to control the symptoms better.

Find out by taking this quiz.

Question 1 of 15

I feel it is very difficult for me to express myself in words that others can understand.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 2 of 15

Before starting to work, you waste much time by walking around your room, biting your nails or watching random TV channels.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 3 of 15

I have difficulty getting myself organised to complete any kind of daily activity.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 4 of 15

I can't trust what I'm thinking because I don't know if it's real or not.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 5 of 15

Has anyone ever told you that you have a lack of emotion?

A. Yes
B. No

Question 6 of 15

I see or hear things that other people cannot see or hear.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 7 of 15

Do you believe yourself to have magical/special abilities that others are jealous of and therefore treat you unfairly?

A. Yes
B. No

Question 8 of 15

I have heard two or more voices conversing with one another in voices that other people would not be able to hear.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 9 of 15

Do you have very hard time to socialize with people?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 10 of 15

You notice that your memory is getting worse. You may forget about your plans for the near future, and you realize this fact only at the last moment or when someone reminds you.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 11 of 15

I feel that others control what I think and feel.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 12 of 15

Do you hold slightly/rather abnormal beliefs that, when proven wrong, you continue to believe in?

A. Yes
B. No

Question 13 of 15

Do you believe that you are a reincarnation of a famous or important historic/religious figure (ex. Beethoven, Jesus) or that you are an important person born to do an important task/quest?

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 14 of 15

I feel others are out to get me or plotting against me.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 15 of 15

I communicate with people, spirits, or entities beyond this world that others can't see or hear. They gift me secret information or torment and trouble me.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times


Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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