Home Quiz Bipolar Quiz

Bipolar Quiz - Test to check the Presence of Bipolar Disorder


Mood disorders can have devastating effects on your health and well being. Both physical and mental. They tend to increase the risk of heart attack and can also cause the reduced ability to recover from cancer and other harmful diseases.

Take this quiz below to monitor the score to know if you are recovering over time with treatment or not. The results are indicative and does not replace any type of medical advice.

Question 1 of 10

Do you had an episode of clinical depression lately - involving significant depressive phase, unability to work or step out of house, cannot do simple things like sleeping, slowness in actions, etc.

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 2 of 10

Although you got too little sleep than usual and still you find yourself fresh and not really missing your sleep. Is there a period of time when such thing happened to you?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 3 of 10

At times, I am very talkative and speak very fast, as compared to myself usually?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 4 of 10

Do you have times when your mood 'cycles', that is, do you experience 'ups' as well as depressive episodes?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 5 of 10

During the 'ups' you face, you feel more 'wired' and 'hyper' than during normal happiness?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 6 of 10

Do you ever felt so good or hyper that other people thought you were not your normal self or were so hyper that you got into trouble?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 7 of 10

You distract by things around you so easily that you have trouble concentrating or staying on the desired/planned track?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 8 of 10

Did an intelligent individual or health professional ever told you that you have depressive illness or bipolar?

A. Never
B. Rarely this has happened
C. Sometimes, I hear it
D. I hear it often
E. I hear it very often

Question 9 of 10

Do you experience extreme mood changes – going from extremely happy to extremely sad?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 10 of 10

Have you ever experienced any of the below symptoms for a period of at least one week? Elevated mood, Euphoria, Hyperactivity, Excitement, Overconfidence, Grandiosity, Extravagance, Spending sprees, Recklessness, Delusions of grandeur, Increased libido, Increased use of alcohol, Distractedness, Aggression, Excessive laughter, etc. Anger

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often


Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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