Home Quiz Panic Attacks Test

Panic Attacks Quiz -Intense fear or Discomfort


Panic attacks differ a lot in severity and frequency. While all panic disorder is problematic, some people need immediate intervention while others may benefit more from moderate changes to their daily lifestyle.

The Panic Attack Severity Scale is just one tool that can be used to assess the severity of your panic attacks. It is not the only option and not a replacement for formal diagnosis.

Question 1 of 12

When you are nervous or afraid, do you have episodes where you experience uncontrollable trembling or shaking?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 2 of 12

Do you become afraid when you feel sick to your stomach, nauseous, bloated, or experience abdominal distress for no apparent reason?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 3 of 12

Do you get sweating if you are afraid of something?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 4 of 12

Do you feel shortness of breath if you are afraid?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 5 of 12

Do you have any anxiety (feeling anxious, nervous or fearful)?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 6 of 12

I am no longer able to drive at all, due to fear of accident.

A. No
B. Yes

Question 7 of 12

Have you had any chills (wrapped in blankets feeling cold)?

A. Yes
B. No

Question 8 of 12

Do you feel the chest pain?

A. Yes
B. No

Question 9 of 12

Do you have episodes where you are afraid that you may lose control?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 10 of 12

Do you have fear of dying?

A. No
B. Yes

Question 11 of 12

I avoid exercising because I am afraid it will cause me to have a panic attack.

A. No
B. Yes

Question 12 of 12

Have you had any flushing episodes (like redness in the face)?

A. Yes
B. No


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are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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