Barometric Pressure Headache ( headache pressure point)
TweetA pressure headache is in fact considered to be the most common type of headache, and the pain in a pressure headache generally radiates from the neck, back, eyes, or various other muscle groups in the body. A pressure headache can be either episodic or chronic, and the pain involved in a pressure headache is generally described as constant and consistent pressure.
What Causes Barometric Pressure Headaches?
Barometric pressure headaches are caused due to air-pressure changes following weather changes
- Change in pressure brings about changes in the oxygen level, which in turn causes headache.
- Many a times the blood vessels try to compensate for the lowered oxygen level by contracting and expanding. This exertion leads to migraine.
- Headaches and migraines can be the resultant of many factors – like high temperature and humidity, overcast skies, etc. etc.
- Weather changes sometimes also effect chemical changes in the body, which again trigger headaches and migraines.
- Electrically charged air very often sets off a bad headache.
What can I do about Barometric Pressure Headache?
1.Keep track of the effects of weather on your headache
2.Talk to your doctor about medications
3.Try an ionizer or humidifier, or get some fresh air
4. Check out some of the other medications and remedies on this website and learn something new!
Psychogenic pressure headaches and fainting fits
Mrs K was a 60 year-old widow who lived alone and had been suffering from headaches for some years. The pain was located in the crown of her head and was continuous. She also reported several fainting episodes, which caused her to fall downstairs. Hospital scans had revealed nothing to account for these symptoms. She had been mugged a year previously, and following the attack, she suffered acute back pain with a degree of paralysis in her legs, had given up work and walked with a stick. She also experienced pains in her chest as well as breathlessness on climbing stairs. Her blood pressure was low and she had Swollen ankles for which she was prescribed a diuretic by her ooct6r. Mrs K wasn't sure which area of her health she wanted he1p with first, so we prioritised her headaches and circulation. The remedy was aimed at relieving nervous tension which seemed to be at the root of her headaches.
The remedy
. Cramp bark - muscle relaxant
. Hawthorn - heart tonic.
. St John's wort - relaxant, antidepressant.
. Valerian - relaxant.
Mrs K was also prescribed dandelion root and chicory coffee as a digestive tonic. This relieved the headaches completely and Mrs K had no more fainting fits. She continued to suffer back pain and leg problems, so she was recommended osteopathic investigation and treatment.

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are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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Understanding Headaches
Sinus Headache
Cluster Headache
Frequent Headache
Tension Headache
Causes of Headache
headache symptom
Types of Headache
Headache treatment
Home remedy for Headache
Headache neck pain
Pregnancy Headache
Chronic Headache
Headache medicine
Headache relief
Headache cure
Severe Headache
Tension Headache symptom
Child Headache
Sinus Headache symptom
Stress Headache
Headache and dizziness
High blood pressure Headache
Heal your Headache
Constant Headache
Headache nausea
How to get rid of headache
Caffeine headache
Vascular headache
Spinal headache
Headache pain
Cluster headache symptom
Rebound headache
Cervicogenic headache
Natural remedy for headache
Pressure headache
Morning headache
Natural cure for headache
Menopause and headache
Daily headache
Headache and fever
Sinus headache cure
Headache help
Allergy headache
Menstrual headache
Headache care
Natural headache relief
Brain tumor headache
Hormone headache
Occipital headache
Exercise headache
Botox for headache
Persistent headache
Fatigue and headache
Icepick headache