Headache Cure
TweetHeadache cures are the most sought after remedies as it is one of the most common ailment people suffer from. Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other.
That is, how to cure a headache without drugs. The first method is the simplest, it involves pinching your headache pressure point, which is the fleshy nerve cluster in the webbing between your thumb and forefinger. Pinch with your left hand. Continue until headache stops.
The second method is a shiatsu technique. Using a knuckle, or other hard object such as a massage stone or ball peen hammer, press with some force on the center of your hairline.
Headache cures and massage
There are also four other headache cures available that do not involve using medications and these include eyes area massage, eyes to nose massage, neck massage and scalp massage. each of these four methods of headache cure are natural and once they have been tried, the person should take deep breaths, lift their shoulders towards the ears for five to ten seconds to ease the pain and then drop them back to the normal position.
Cure / get rid of headache without pills
- Tip your head slowly to the sides and stretch out the muscles of the neck.
- To massage the aching spots works temporarily if you also at the same time try to figure out where you got to relax in order to get rid of the pain more permanently.
- Exercise. The human body needs physical work. Nothing is better against physical tension than running uphill a ski-slope for instance. Painful in the beginning but a pleasure after a while when you realize that you can make it - and to be able to run up a ski-slope is self-esteem and prestige everywhere.
- Drink enough water - but not too much. Headache is also often a result of dehydration, but also the opposite, that some nowadays drink too much water and thus dilute the nutrient fluids in the body causing abstinence of sorts.
Home remedies to cure headache
acupressure: reduce headache pain by squeezing the web of skin between the thumb and pointer finger as hard as you can; or use both thumbs and apply pressure under the bony ridges at the back of the head
meditate: imagine the pain flowing out of your head; you may combine this with the deep breathing exercise
Use an ointment with heat(for example Ben-Gay or Icy Hot) and rub it on your forehead or base of your neck, wherever it hurts. It will burn slightly and give a warm feeling to your head
Listen to relaxing music while you lie down
Although not medically proven, you can try the following:
B6 or B complex vitamins can prevent headaches or lessen their severity
Two tablespoons brewer's yeast can cure headaches
1200 milligrams of lecithin capsules daily can prevent migraines(cleck with physician before using)
Peppermint Tea can calm you and ease the pain

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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Understanding Headaches
Sinus Headache
Cluster Headache
Frequent Headache
Tension Headache
Causes of Headache
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Types of Headache
Headache treatment
Home remedy for Headache
Headache neck pain
Pregnancy Headache
Chronic Headache
Headache medicine
Headache relief
Headache cure
Severe Headache
Tension Headache symptom
Child Headache
Sinus Headache symptom
Stress Headache
Headache and dizziness
High blood pressure Headache
Heal your Headache
Constant Headache
Headache nausea
How to get rid of headache
Caffeine headache
Vascular headache
Spinal headache
Headache pain
Cluster headache symptom
Rebound headache
Cervicogenic headache
Natural remedy for headache
Pressure headache
Morning headache
Natural cure for headache
Menopause and headache
Daily headache
Headache and fever
Sinus headache cure
Headache help
Allergy headache
Menstrual headache
Headache care
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