Pregnancy Headache ( headache in pregnancy)
TweetHeadaches can be miserable and debilitating, especially during pregnancy, but in most cases they're not dangerous. Considered as a common complaint during pregnancy, specifically during the first and third trimesters, doctors say it is rarely a signal of a serious problem. During pregnancy, experts say that the possible cause of headache during this time is quite uncertain.
Migraine headache during pregnancy
The relationship between migraine and sex hormones (particularly estrogen) is well accepted, because menarche, menstruation, oral contraceptive use, pregnancy, menopause, and hormone replacement therapy often influence migraine .About 15 to 20 percent of pregnant women have migraines. Over half of women find that their migraines occur less often in the last few months of pregnancy. However, migraines may worsen after delivery, during the postpartum period. Although migraine headaches may cause severe pain for the mother, there are no dangers for the developing fetus.What kind of pain medication can I take in headache during pregnancy?
Acetaminophen is safe to take as directed on the label, but most other headache medications — such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as well as most prescription migraine drugs — aren't recommended for pregnant women. Consult your practitioner about which medications you can take if you're prone to severe migraines.
If you're having frequent, debilitating headaches, the benefits of certain medications may outweigh any possible risks to your baby, although some drugs will remain strictly off-limits.
Potential Ways to Treat Your Pregnancy Headaches
- Some headaches are triggered by low blood sugar. You can prevent any bouts of decreased blood sugar by not missing meals and carrying high-energy snacks with you.
- Drink plenty of water - dehydration can cause headaches.
- Whenever possible, avoid loud music, noisy restaurants, packed parties and crowded department stores.
- Ensure your environment is healthy. An overheated, smoke-filled unventilated room can trigger some people's headaches. Also, make sure that your home and workspace have adequate natural lighting.
- Try going out for a brisk walk.
- Rest (but not too much, sometimes too much rest can worsen your overall symptoms)!
- Meditation and yoga are two ways to help you relax and decrease the effects of tension headaches.
- Try lying down in a dark quiet room with your feet up for ten to 15 minutes.
- Acupuncture, biofeedback and massage have been show to bring some relief from a headache.
- Alternating hot and cold compresses to the aching area for ten minutes can alleviate some of your pain.
- Cut a lemon into wedges and suck the juice out of the wedges.
- It's a good idea to avoid taking any kind of drugs while pregnant. However, if your practitioner recommends it, a paracetemol is OK but limit the number you take.
Headache prevention in pregnancy
When it comes to headaches--especially migraines--prevention is key. If you know what triggers your headaches, the first step, when possible, should be lifestyle change. For example, foods such as cured meats and strong cheeses (which contain the amino acid tyramine), as well as red wine and monosodium glutamate (the food additive MSG) can spawn migraines in some people.
Similarly, a lack of sleep, low blood sugar (which may affect pregnant women who eat irregularly), and alcohol use also can trigger migraine attacks. Migraines are also more common in smokers--yet one more reason to quit.
Tension headaches, too, can occur under avoidable circumstances. Loud noises (like those at rock concerts), sleep deprivation, dehydration, and allergies can all produce headaches.

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Understanding Headaches
Sinus Headache
Cluster Headache
Frequent Headache
Tension Headache
Causes of Headache
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Types of Headache
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Pregnancy Headache
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Headache cure
Severe Headache
Tension Headache symptom
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