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Natural Cure for Headache


Headache cures are the most sought after remedies as it is one of the most common ailment people suffer from.

Cure Headaches naturally using Apple

Apples are valuable in curing all types of headaches. After removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple, it should be taken with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week.

Exercise is also an excellent idea; a brisk walk gets the circulation going again, and the fresh air can ease the pain of a headache.

Are natural herbs safe?

All the herbs which British Herbalists use are safe when used in the correct dose for the right ailment. The herbs mentioned in this book have been selected for their safety in untrained hands, although you may need professional help with your diagnosis. The National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) maintains an extensive data band and works with government watch bodies to ensure safety of its herbs.

Recently some attention was given to the group of compounds called pyrrolizidine alkaloids, present in several plants including comfrey, because they can cause (reversible) damage to the liver if ingested in large quantities. The evidence of comfrey is not based on human case studies and the research involved feeding rats exclusively on large amounts of comfrey.

There is only one reported case of human toxicity world-wide, which-concerned a woman who took comfrey tea many times a day concurrently with illegal drugs in high doses over a long period. Several governments, including that of Britain, made moves to ban its use. After extensive discussions with the NIMH, it was agreed to limit use to the guidelines given above, and restrict the root (which contains more PAs) to external use only. In this way herbalists acknowledge the potential risk and demonstrate the history of safe use.

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