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Natural Remedy for Headache


How herbs and Natural Remedy work for Headache?

Herbs contain small quantities of chemicals, compared to modern pharmaceutical products which extract or synthesize one chemical in much larger amounts. This means there is no danger of sudden physiological changes which cause side-effects.

For example, valarian appears to improve the quality of your sleep as well as helping you to dose off and doesn't cause a sluggish feeling in the morning, because the chemicals it contains are in very small amounts and don't last long in the body. This lower level of activity may be disappointing if you want to be 'knocked out' but using herbs like valerian as part of a plan to restore sleep patterns can be an effective alternative to stronger, single chemicals like the well known sedative valium (derived originally from valerian).

Most herbs contain a large number of active constituents which work together to create one or more effects. The more we find out about herbs, the more we realize that each constituent is a valued part of the whole, negative effects balanced by positive ones. A good example follows.

Recently much has been made of a research trial which showed that a St John's wort preparation made liver enzymes more active, which reduced the effect of other drugs taken at the same time because they were metabolized before reaching their target.

The St John's wort preparation used was standardized to contain a larger amount of one constituent - hypercin - than all the others. Not only has hypericin failed to show antidepressant activity on its own in repeated trials, but another ingredient - hyperforin, has been shown to counterbalance hypercin in its effect on other drugs and doctors in Germany continue to prescribe it as a favored anti-depressant.

Nautral Headache remedy using Cinnamon

Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief.

Similar bad publicity surrounds liquorice, where glycyrrhizin is thought to raise blood pressure, but in fact dozens of other constituents act to lower it, in particular by diuresis (elimination of water). There are many more examples of this sort of balanced action. Where two or more constituents act together to create the same effect this is known as synergy. These are particular features of herbal medicine which enable it to support the holistic approach very well.

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