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Trauma Disorder DSM - IV Criteria, Cause, Treatment, Symptoms, Medication


Have you wondered about the emotional aftermath of any traumatic event which has occured in your life? Can they be as devastating as any other physical damage? The simple answer is Yes. It does not matter whether the trauma starts from any personal accident natural calamity, they have equally devastating effect on our sense of security and well being. It can easily leave us helpless and numb.

As said by elders in the time of despair, your inner strength takes you forward and helps you in recovering - may god give you strength, etc. No feeling is right or wrong after going through Trauma. You need to help yourself work towards reduction of pain, fear and grief. Get over things and regain your equilibrium.

Facts and Tips for Trauma Disorders

  • Repetitive motion disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome are the other names of trauma disorder and it consists of musculoskeletal problems.
  • Trauma disorders caused by repetitive, push and pull activities, lifting of some heavy objects.
  • Pain, inflammation, reddishness, awkwardness, fracture or splitting of joints and scratching these are the symptoms of the trauma disorder.
  • Various parts of the body like wrist, tennis elbow, tendon, neck and shoulder are affected due to trauma disorders.
  • Trauma disorders are equally found in men and women.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers are effective to reduce pain and redness and in some cases surgery is must.
  • Perform stretching exercises to relieve muscle pain carpal tunnel disorder caused due to trauma disorder.

Statistics of Trauma Disorders

According to the National Institutes of Health, Department of Veteran Affairs, and Sidran Institute, the societal and economic burden of PTSD is extremely heavy. Important facts, numbers, and statistics include:

The annual cost to society of anxiety disorders is estimated to be significantly over $42.3 billion, often due to misdiagnosis and under treatment. This includes psychiatric and non-psychiatric medical treatment costs, indirect workplace costs, mortality costs, and prescription drug costs.
People with PTSD have among the highest rates of healthcare service use. People with PTSD present with a range of symptoms, the cause of which may be overlooked or misdiagnosed as having resulted from past trauma.

Approximately half of all Americans will be exposed to trauma at least once in their lives.
About 19 percent of people who experience trauma develop acute stress disorder.
Approximately 7.7 million Americans are affected by PTSD.
Women are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD, and they experience symptoms for a longer period of time.
Rates of PTSD among veterans include 30 percent in Vietnam veterans, 10 percent in Gulf War veterans, and between 11 and 20 percent in veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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