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   Munchhausen Syndrome Information


Munchausen's Syndrome is the condition we name when a person makes himself ill purposely often to get the attention and friendship of medical personnel.

Munchausen Syndrome is an attention-seeking personality disorder which is more common than statistics suggest. Munchausen Syndrome, named after a German soldier renowned for exaggerated tales, is a predominantly female disorder in which an emotionally immature person with narcissistic tendencies, low self-esteem and a fragile ego has an overwhelming need to draw attention to herself and to be the centre of attention.

In the more severe form of Factitious Disorders known as Munchausen syndrome, a series of successive hospitalizations becomes a lifelong pattern. Factitious disorder is distinguished from malingering where there is external motivation for the symptom production, a patient with a factitious disorder intentionally produces physical symptoms without external incentives.

Diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome

Diagnosing Munchausen syndrome is very difficult because of the dishonestly that is involved. In addition, doctors must rule out any possible physical and mental illnesses, and often use a variety of diagnostic tests and procedures before considering a diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome.

Treatment of Munchausen Syndrome

Patients with Munchausen syndrome and psychotic psychopathology as part of a characterologic disorder are rarely treated successfully. Acceding to their manipulations relieves their tension, but their provocations escalate, ultimately surpassing what physicians are willing or able to do.

Facts and Tips about Munchausen Syndrome

  • Munchausen syndrome is a form of factitious disorder in which patient performs as they are having any mental or physical problem but in reality it is not true.
  • Patients intentially make symptoms or lie. They create it by cutting or burning, injecting toxic material, overdose of medication. Patient may undergo painful or dangerous tests and operations to get attention or sympathy from other. 
  • When person may create or fake symptoms in someone else is called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. This involves parent usually faking the symptoms of sickness in their child.
  • It is begin in early adulthood. It is affect person having age between 30 to 50 and common in men.
  • Diagnosis and treatment is difficult because patient may change doctor or hospital after some time interval.
  • Psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and social services are helpful in treatment.
  • Complication of Munchausen’s syndrome may lead to serious problem including death or suicide.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

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