How to Get Rid of Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD
TweetBody Dysmorphic Disorder is the DSM term for a subgroup of the broader but ill-defined clinical syndrome of dysmorphophobia, which was first described by Morselli (1886) as 'a subjective description of ugliness and physical defect which the patient feels is noticeable to others.'
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder defined as a preoccupation with a perceived defect in one's appearance. If a slight defect is present, which others hardly notice, then the concern is regarded as markedly excessive. In order to receive the diagnosis, the preoccupation must cause significant distress or impairment in one's occupational or social functioning.
There is little definitive research on the causes of BDD and the factors that predispose a person to BDD. Much of the work in this area comes from an examination of case studies and the factors that patients relate to the onset of symptoms. In many of these cases, it seems that some event precipitates an initial selective focus on a specific body site.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a somatoform disorder characterized by an imagined defect in appearance or excessive concern or preoccupation with a slight physical defect. The person with body dysmorphic disorder is distressed to the point where social, occupational or academic functioning is disrupted. Patients with the disorder are continually checking their appearance and occupy significant periods of their days examining themselves.
BDD is a hidden disorder and its incidence is unknown. The studies that have been done so far have been either too small or unreliable. The best estimate might be 1% of the population. It may be more common in women than in men in the community although clinic samples tend to have an equal proportion of men and women.
Often the person is a perfectionist, like most people with eating disorders. Nothing is good enough because the person cannot see that what they have done is absolutely fine, or that they are on the border of near death (in the case of anorexia and extreme weight loss). Low self-esteem is a trademark of those with BDD as they feel like colossal failures for their perceived physical flaws.
BDD can lead or take after other psychiatric problems as well. Depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, anxiety issues, agoraphobia, and trichotillomania (hair pulling) are all problems that commonly follow or trigger BDD.
BDD may occur for a variety of appearance features. However, prevalence studies indicate that the following sites are reported frequently: hair, nose, skin, eyes, thighs, abdomen, breast size or shape, chest size, lips, chin, scars, height, and teeth.The severity of this disorder varies. Some are able to function and cope with daily life, whereas others experience paralyzing symptoms of depression, anxiety and avoidance of social situations.
Assessment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder
The assessment should include questioning about the nature of the preoccupations with appearance and of the ways in which this has interfered with personal and social life. Diagnosis can be difficult because some sufferers keep the nature of their symptoms secret because of their embarrassment and this may result in misdiagnosis as social phobia, panic, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Body dysmorphic disorder treatment strategies
Psychiatric hospitalization, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts are relatively common. While treatment data are preliminary at this time, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) appear to often be effective for BDD, even if symptoms are delusional. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is another promising approach. While much remains to be learned about BDD, it is important that clinicians screen patients for this disorder and accurately diagnose it, as available treatments are very promising for those who suffer from this distressing and sometimes disabling disorder.
Facts and Tips about Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Body dysmorphic disorder; also know BDD, generally comes to as dysmorphophobia, tends to happen in young adults rapidly in either gender.
- When person have BDD they look normal to others, but not to him or herself. BDD distresses the person and may social or work functioning.
- Frequently looking in the mirror and other reflecting surfaces, comparing look with that of others, covering up some aspect of look with clothing, too much grooming, avoiding having photos taken which are most common symptoms of the BDD.
- How to occur BDD has no exact and clear cause. Biological, psychological, and still social or cultural factors are thought to contribute.
- To treat BDD patient take therapist helps when the patient stop doing the compulsive behaviors to check the defect or cover it up. This may include removing mirrors, covering skin areas that the patient picks, or not using make-up.
- Risk factor in BDD many people become depressed, and some may consider suicide.

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