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   How to Get Rid of Somatoform Disorder


Somatoform Disorder - Symptoms, Treatment, Medications, of Somatoform Disorder

Introduced in DSM-III for a group of disorders characterized by physical symptoms that are not explained by organic factors. Hence also somatoform symptoms.

Physical symptoms that seem as if they are part of a general medical condition, however no general medical condition, other mental disorder, or substance is present. In this case psychological conflicts may becoming translated into physical problems or complaints. With the number one complaint being of some type of physical symptom,  it is no wonder this disorder is often discovered in a general medical setting.

Classification of Somatoform disorder and dissociative disorders

DSM-IV has entirely separate sections for dissociative disorders and somatoform disorders. ICD-10 includes somatoform disorder and dissociative (conversion) disorder as two major categories within the wider chapter of neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.

The principal difference between the classification is that whereas in ICD-10 conversion disorder is included with dissociative disorders, DSM-IV states that conversion disorder is placed in the 'somatoform section' emphasizing the importance of considering neurological or other general medical conditions in the differential diagnosis.

Facts and Tips about Somatization Disorder

  • Another name of somatization disorder is also called as Briquet's disorder and this is a psychological disorder in this person has physical complaints which has no existence.
  • Somatizaton disorder is found in children and adults.
  • Somatization disorder creates problem in physical and social relationships.
  • Vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, sexual dysfunction and double vision these are the symptoms correlated with somatization disorder.
  • Congnitive therapy and education on social skills these two techniques are useful to overcome somatization disorder.
  • Anti-depressant and few psychiatric drugs are helpful to control symptoms of this disorder.
  • Family support is very important for patient of somatization disorder.

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