How to Get Rid of Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS)
TweetHyperventilation Syndrome - HVS is a condition in which minute ventilation exceeds metabolic demands, resulting in hemodynamic and chemical changes that produce characteristic symptoms.
Hyperventilation syndrome is a breathing pattern disorder which affects about one in ten people in the normal population.
A largely unrecognised side effect of prolonged stress, hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) often holds the key to a wide range of health problems.
One of the most valuable clues to the diagnosis of hyperventilation syndrome is the simultaneous occurrence of puzzling combinations of diverse symptoms (cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and psychological) in association with ill-defined dizziness. Dizziness attacks are caused by overbreathing which is triggered by anxiety or related emotional disturbance.
The most commonly noted symptoms of hyperventilation syndrome are an ill-defined lightheadedness associated with perioral and digital paresthesias, tightness in the chest, a lump in the throat, sweating, trembling, palpitations, and possible ringing in the ears.
Features of Hyperventilation Syndrome
Panic attacks - fear, terror and impending doom - accompanied by some or all of the following:
- dyspnoea (trouble getting a good breath in)
- palpitations
- chest pain or discomfort
- choking sensation
- dizziness
- paraesthesiae
- sweating
- carpopedal spasms.
Causes of Hyperventilation Syndrome
Overbreathing leading to a decrease in P a co 2 and an increase in arterial pH.
of Hyperventilation Syndrome
- A provocation test - voluntary overbreathing for 2-3 minutes - provokes similar symptoms; rebreathing from a large paper bag relieves them.
- Blood gases
of Hyperventilation Syndrome
- Explanation and reassurance is given.
- The patient is trained in relaxation techniques and slow breathing.
- The patient is asked to breathe into a closed paper bag.
Panic disorder is diagnosed when the patient has repeated sudden attacks of overwhelming anxiety, accompanied by severe physical symptoms, usually related to both hyperventilation and sympathetic nervous system activity.
Help for Hyperventilation Syndrome
An accurate diagnosis, recognition of causes or triggers, and an expert assessment by a specialist respiratory physiotherapist is the first step. Breathing exercises may be employed to control symptoms on a long-term basis. Counselling for anxiety and depression if required. Medication such as anti-anxiolytics/muscle relaxants if indicated.
It must be stressed that these exercises only control the symptoms of hyperventilation and do not control the cause of the disorder. Serious underlying psychiatric disorders must be recognized such as
- anxiety neuroses,
- depression,
- hypochondriasis,
- hysteria, or
- psychosis.
Due to the complexity of this disorder, a referral to a clinical psychologist may be in order and underlying respiratory pathology must be ruled out.
Also see Valsalva Maneuver
Facts and Tips about Hyperventilation Syndrome
- Hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) involves rapid or deep breathing.
- Patients of HVS have large amount oxygen and very little amount of carbon dioxide in their blood.
- Hyperventilation syndrome has two forms such as sudden and everyday. Rapid breathing in everyday form is difficult to detect while in sudden form breathing is rapid which is easily detectable.
- People with HVS may have symptoms such as Shortness of breath, confusion, chest pain, tightness in the chest, irregular heart beats, tiredness, weakness, muscle twitching and sweating.
- Bleeding, heart or lung disease, panic attack, pregnancy, stress, anxiety, infection and severe pain are common causes of hyperventilation syndrome.
- Paper bag breathing (not fully recommended), 7-11 breathing, breathing exercise, acupuncture are the treatments of hyperventilation syndrome
wow!!!! this is the most informathion that i have ever read about thanks - jasmine

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