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   How to Get Rid of Hebephrenic Schizophrenia


Hebephrenic type Symptoms:

  • Emotional shallowness,
  • tendency to childish silliness,
  • bizarre delusion,
  • hallucination,
  • jumbled speech and
  • gross disintegration of the personality

These are the prominent symptoms of Hebephrenic type Schizophrenia.

In response to thoughts and ideas originating within their, disordered mind, hebephemics periodically have giggling spells and they may alternate with outbursts of anger or affect less crying. Many may see heavenly visions and hallucination peculiar odor.

In the early stages hebephernia maybe communicative but it is impossible to conduct a normal conversation with them. Patients respond not at all to the direct question, their comments are usually inappropriate and nonsensical. Thinking as indicated by speech and writing is confused and disconnected. Words are indiscriminately mixed together. Several independent ideas may be telescoped into one sentence.

As the disease progresses one can see a pronounced deterioration of intellect, judgment, speech and social habits as to justify the statement that they no longer resemble human beings they become uncommunicative, indolent, sluggish, untidy and dull. Their deterioration, however is often more apparent than real.

Also find out information on cause, symptoms and treatment of Hebephrenic Schizophrenia type

Disorganized schizophrenia, John Nash Schizophrenia, Etiology of schizophrenia

Facts and Tips about Hebephrenic Schizophrenia

  • It is type of schizophrenia which is chronic illness and involves disturbed personality, childish characteristic or odd behavior.
  • It is most general mental disorder which is detected during teenage years.
  • Hallucinations, aimless, failure to feel pleasure, improper smile, false belief, inappropriate emotional response are sign seen in hebephrenic schizophrenia disorder.
  • Group and occupational psychotherapies, electric shock therapy, medicine and re-learning treatment are used to cure hebephrenic schizophrenia disorder.
  • Chain smoking, Drug and alcohol, nervousness, inability to work and function socially, Family conflicts, loneliness and suicide are possible complication of hebephrenic schizophrenia.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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