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Join Depression Guide | Add yourself as a Therapist


Join Depression Guide Psychologists, Therapists, Mental Health Professionals listing.

Send us a request along with your profile, contact information and picture. You are listed and then you become searchable according to the location, services, therapies you offer.

We give your contact information to people who come and visit our site and there you get the benefit from referred clients.

How to register as a Therapist?

Here is the information on how you can register with Depression Guide as a Therapist or Mental Health Provider.

The way is a simple step by step process.


  1. Send us an email with basic details like your name, contact, office location, services provided, Years since in Operation, Main therapists and panalists, etc.
  2. We will review your request and send you a detailed form to fill
  3. We put the content online and you become searchable in depression guide therapists listings.

Create Innovative Profile

Get noticed by creating a beautiful and elegant profile. Your profile will look great on any device. It gives clients the information they need, and you the clients you want. The listing display on Depression Guide are all responsive designs and hence it will work very well on all devices as well.

Signup as Therapist with Depression Guide

Why join Depression Guide Listing

We at depression Guide recieve many visitors and enquiries about the therapists and mental health treatment centres. We can pass on the information of the caller after matching with correct location and requirement to you. We do the work for you.

Depression Guide is a known resource on Mental Health and related disorders hence it has the required credibility about the resource and potential to give right referrals.

Since we verify the therapits details and then convert the status to Verified, you have the advantages over the other non-verified members.

What you will get as a member?

You get new clients and their referrals.

Get your online page URL with complete professional details. You can use this page as your profile share online. If you already have a website we will link your profile to it. Your link from Depression Guide give your site listing a competitive advantage over other sites.

How to submit your Profile for Inclusion?

Send us an Email at publications AT depression-guide.com with the following details and then we can create your profile page on the site:

  1. Name
  2. About
  3. Location
  4. Contact Details
  5. Specialities
  6. Photos
  7. Online References from Existing Clients
  8. Services offered
  9. Books or Publications
  10. Medical Institutes associations
  11. Awards and Honors

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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