How to Cut Down the Television time for Kids?
TweetThis is the problem of almost all the parents whose children are in their school going age. The penetration of television and computers has grown multifold since last decade or so. Kids just love television or any other screen stuff life computers, laptop, iPad, etc. You are not alone if your kid also watches or plays on gizmos everyday for hours and hours.
The overall screen time for the average American household kids has doubled since last 15 years about seven hours in one day.
Why screen time is a matter of concern?
Many reasons are present for the parents to become concerned. There are many outcomes in terms of side effects of watching excessive TV - some of them are school struggle, reduced attention related issues, sleep disorders, eating disorders, etc. The more the screen time, the less the time kids can spend on physical activities. The TV also makes kids eating habits unhealthy - based on the high calorie junk food advertisements.
What can you do to reduce the TV time - Some tips
- Start with making slow/gradual updates to the television time of kids. Start by cutting down 1 hour per week.
- Do not put TV or computer to your kid’s room and do not allow them to play and browse on devices all night. There are many effects of overeating and lazy behavior in kids. The risks of obesity are also increased.
- Create a time table for the kids and follow it with kids. Also try making the Screen Time as the active time. Ask the kids to do some stretching activities like yoga lifting small weights, start small game like who can perform 10 push-ups, pull ups, etc.
- Define clear cut screen time limit for everyone in the house and follow it strictly. It should be communicated well to everyone.
- Do not watch TV while having your meals. You need to separate the meal time from TV time. Even you can try removing the TV from the eating room as well.
- Just tell your kids other better habit options - playing outside, learn a new sport, etc.
- There are lot many advertisements in the television, about snack foods, candy, soda, and fast food etc. which can affect each and everyone of us. This influence is more in kids and they start imitating the same food habits.

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