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Migraine Diary


Migraine Diary

One of the best ways to help manage your migraines is to keep a migraine diary. The Migraine Diary is a simple but effective migraine management tool that involves patients in their own care. The Migraine Association of Ireland can supply patients or health professionals with Migraine Diaries. The diary also monitors the success or failure of treatments and medications. It can help to collect information about the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraine attacks before a doctor visit to ensure that this important information is shared.

Factors to Include in Your Migraine Diary

  • When your migraine occurred?
  • Location and type of pain
  • Intensity of your migraine
  • Any possible symptoms. Disruptions in your daily activity
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Any possible migraine triggers
  • Any preventative medications taken
  • Any medication taken during your migraine

Migraine Diary - Beta blockers use

How they work
Beta blockers prevent vaso-constrictive sympathetic nerve messages from acting at receptor sites.

Beta blockers prevent bronchial dilation, so can cause asthma. Tiredness and cold extremities are frequent problems, with low blood pressure and heart rate.

Anti-depressants as Migraine Cure

How they work
Some anti-depressants prevent serotonin from being destroyed. This increases vaso-constriction of cerebral blood vessels.

Brand names
. Amitriptyline
. Clomipramine Dothiepin
. Imipramine.

Anti-depressants cause dry mouth and drowsiness if taken during the day.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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