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Cure for Headache and Migraine


Cure of Migraine and Headache using Pain Reliever

Pain relievers are also known as analgesics and anodynes. There are three different types of analgesic.
. Central acting analgesics stop the brain from receiving messages from the periphery. Passionflower, lettuce leaf, poppy and St John's wort work in this way.
. Herbs such as silver birch and wintergreen have a local action and are applied topically.
. Anti-inflammatory, like the ones described above, and muscle relaxants such as cramp bark and wild yam, act on the processes which cause pain. Herbal pain relief is a little slower than conventional medicine, it can sometimes take two to three days for a full effect to build up, but it's well worth waiting for as it seems to last longer and there are no associated problems.

Mucous membrane tonics for curing Migraine Headache

Mucous membrane tonics reduce over-secretion of mucus, swelling and inflammation in the linings of the airways and sinuses. The action on membranes is also referred to as astringent drawing tissues together. Some of these herbs increase the flow of thinner secretions which 'washes out' thickened, infected mucus. Mucous membrane tonics are often called anti-catarrhals. Their main effects are on the airways of the head.

Decongestants for curing Migraine Headache

Decongestants work by stimulating the linings of the nose and sinuses to produce thinner secretions, (eucalyptus, peppermint), or by reducing the number of bacteria causing thickened mucus (eucalyptus), or by constricting the small blood vessels which cause swelling of the membranes (ephedra).

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