Depression Quotation
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On our site you will find lots of quote, stories, poems and personal experiences of people like you. Plus, we have also included a complete section on depression disorders for your physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Come and share your thoughts so that others will also learn from your quotes with depression. This section is intended for the sole purpose of recovery from depression.
When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.
- Elayne Boolser
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm
- Unknown
Depression moods lead, almost invariably, to accidents. But, when they occur, our mood changes again, since the accident shows we can draw the world in our wake, and that we still retain some degree of power even when our spirits are low. A series of accidents creates a positively light-hearted state, out of consideration for this strange power.
(Sent in by Aditi 01/08/2004)
I am only one, but I am still one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
-- Helen Keller --
(Sent in by Julian , 31/07/2004 )
The problem with most people is not that they aim too high and miss, but rather that they aim too low and are right on target.
-- Shaun Russell --
All to often the difference between a winner and a loser, is that the winner kept trying just that little bit longer.
-- Shaun Russell --
(Sent in by Shen Lee, 26/07/2004)
As I see the lights, I think I am dead.
But what I realize is that I am in the doctors room because i didn't succeed.
(Sent in by Xander 3/22/2005)
sometimes the best thing to do is cut your losses and start over - at least you escape with what you have, even if it is only your life.
(Sent in by Aubree 3/09/2005)
why am i still here when i know i have only been used and lied to?
(Sent in by Jaded 3/08/2005 )
Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.
(Sent in by Marten 3/07/2005 )
sometimes you gotta let go, but to lift up that last finger feels like it takes forever to fall off the edge
(Sent in by lacey 2/22/2005 )
Dont judge someone, until you walk a mile in their shoes
(Sent in by Caz 2/22/2005 )
We hurt ourselves on the outside to try and make an end to the pain inside of us. If you look at me, you won't see what I's too heart is cold
(Sent in by Casey 2/21/2005 )
If one dies by their own hand- they also kill family, friends, pets, etc... who die slowly and painfully of broken hearts! PLEASE, don't do it.
(Sent in by a. survivor 2/16/2005)
bleed like the stream, pour into the ocean, live life like it's in fast motion.
(Sent in by Maichoua Lor 2/09/2005 )
Your eyes are crying the tears of an angel..your heart is beaking by the work of a devil..Your family's breaking alongside you.
(Sent in by Amy 2/06/2005)
as long as i can remeber, i always felt i don't belong, i'm a loser, i'm fat , i'm ugly, i'm useless, i'm a dissapointment, a burden, a failure.i'm always wrong, i'm not good enough. i don't understand why i feel like this, or always felt like this. i don't know if theres someone to blame or am i to blame? is it all in my head? am i just moaning because i can't handle anything? do you think it's normal to feel like this for so long. did every 7 yr old feel like a loser? feel like they are always wrong? this feeling won't leave me...i've thought about killing myself, i know it's wrong and i know i'd upset my family,i know that it wouldn't be fair to my daughter...but i can't help but think that they'll eventually get over it and would it be better to get done and over with than for my husband to hear me complain and cry about how i always feel like shit. he must be so sick of me. i'm a shit wife anyway, and a shittier mother.i work alot to escape so i'm never home. i hate being home alone, i feel too helpless, i wonder do alot of people have a need to have someone around. i think i feel that way because if i were alone i might do something to myself.i feel like an idiot. i must be the only depressed person thats afraid to die. iithink thats why i'm so confused, i can't be depressed because if i were, i'd want to die. idon't know what i want. i want to be better, or is this all there is? i feel so alone. i don't know where to start.
(Sent in by renee Aug 15, 2005 )
your name looks pretty in red, i said as the razor fell from my hand
(Sent in by hurt4life Aug 12, 2005 )
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