Home Depression Articles ICD 10 and ICD 9 code

ICD 10 and ICD 9 code


ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases.

During the last 40 years, classification has developed largely in terms of the WHO international system and the very widely used national classification produced in the USA - DSM. There remain a number of other national classifications which are used locally. Increasingly these have been based directly on ICD or DSM.

Mental disorders were not included in the ICD untill its 6th edition produced by the WHO in 1948.

The 8th Edition (ICD-8) was published in 1968. It contained too many categories and allowed alternative coding for some syndromes. One major advance was the publication of the glossary, which was largely based on the British version produced by a Working Party chaired by Sir Aubrey Lewis (General Register office 1968).

ICD 9 was very similar to ICD 8 because the WHO believed that national governments would be unwilling to accept many changes. Although the mental health section has asked to be allowed to wait until the publication of ICD 10 before making changes, in the mean time a series of seminars were held which led to a revised and improved glossary

The main categories in ICD 10

  • F0 - Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders.
  • F1 - Mental and behaviour disorders due to psychoactive substance use.
  • F2 - Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders.
  • F3 - Mood (affective) disorders
  • F4 - Neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders.
  • F5 - Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors.
  • F6 - Disorders of adult personality and behaviour
  • F7 - Mental retardation
  • F8 - Disorders of psychological development
  • F9 - Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occuring in childhood or adolescence.

ICD 10 like DSM-IV is a descriptive classification. However, atiology is included in some general categories namely organic, substance use related and stress related. Therefore the classification is a mixture of symptoms and atiology.

ICD-10 and DSM IV

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