How to Get Rid of Psychoneurosis?
TweetThe psychoneurosis are minor mental disorder characterized by inner struggles and disturbed social relationship. Two essential features of psychoneurosis are that they are precipitated by emotional stresses, conflicts and frustrations and that they are most effectively treated by psychological techniques. They are not produced by physical disorders and do not respond to routine medical attention.
Symptoms of Psychoneurosis
The symptoms of psychoneurotic are such that compulsory hospitalization or segregation is unnecessary. A few patients voluntarily seek hospital treatment, but the majority lives at home and usually continues with their customary business and social activity.
Psychoneurotic symptoms are extremely varied. Some of the more frequent psychological complaints are
- anxiety,
- depressed spirits,
- inability to concentrate, or make decisions, memory disturbances,
- irritability,
- morbid doubts,
- obsessions,
- irrational fears,
- insomnia,
- compulsions and inability to enjoy social relations.
Physical symptom which are generally essential bodily concomitants of strong emotions and conflicts, include:
- loss of voluntary control over certain sensory functions,
- shortness of breathe,
- persistent tension,
- fatigue,
- headaches,
- gastrointestinal disturbances and
- multiple aches and pains.
Incidence of psychoneurosis
Approximately 5-10 % of the populatio!1 exhibit psychoneurotic symptom at any given time. As many as 20% of the people have shown or will show psychoneurotic reactions at critical moments in their lives.
Etiology of Psychoneuroses:
1. Physical factors: Because of the close interdependence of mind and body it is incorrect to state that physical factors play no role in the development of psychoneurosis for e.g. physical exhaustion may so weaken the mental resources of the individual as to facilitate the appearance of neurotic symptoms. However such instances are rare.
2. Constitution: Heredity and early environment and training are the main factors determining of constitutional make-up. When unfavorable they present the development of a well-integrated sturdy personality and thus facilitate the appearance of psychoneurotic reaction when the individual is confronted with some disturbing or intolerable situation.
Classification of Psychoneuroses
The four types of psychoneurosis most generally recognized are:
Facts and Tips about Psychoneurosis
- The DSM III of Mental Disorders removed the category "neurosis" or psychoneurosis in the year 1980. The reason was the change in classification methodology wherein the behavious was described rather than the mechanism of condition. According to Americal Medical Dictionary, Neurosis is not use anymore in the psychiatric diagnosis.
- Earlier, when it was in use, Psychiatrists and psychologists used to help cure or treat neuroses by psychoanalytic approach.
- Psychoneurosis is a neurological disorder or mental sickness.
- Psychoneurosis shows instability in thinking, behavior and approach.
- Nervousness, depression and stress are the causes of psychoneurosis.
- Eat vitamin rich food and fruit juices for controlling symptoms of the psychoneurosis.
- Think positive it may resolve your problem of instability.
- Take advice from psychologist for psychotherapy or hypnotherapy.
Treatment of Psychoneurosis
The treatment of psychoneuroses in general practice should be viewed with a broad meaning. Besides the common psychoneuroses, I will include the use of psychotherapy in distressing physical diseases, or in cases of any sort in which there may be an emotional or mental problem, and with any individual who might consult us as physicians for advice on any personal problem involving mental and physical adjustment to life. Patients suffering from frank mental disease need definite psychotherapy and other medical therapy, but consideration of this phase of the field is not included here.
Behaviour Modification Therapy:
More recently much attention has been diverted to the application of behaviour therapy for the treatment of neuroses. While the analyst's goal is to search the underlying conflicts leading to the formation of symptoms the behaviour modifiers view the symptoms themselves as the most important aspect of a disorder.
Biological Approaches:
Psychoanalyst and learning theorists have been debating over the effectiveness of drug therapy. It is a fact that tranquilizers deal only with the symptoms of neurotics.
Psychoanalysis is a major form of individual therapy. Under this method psychoneurotics are required to talk about their problems and conflicts, stresses and critical life events to a therapist.
my son was diagnosed with the above i think something happened to him when young then when a teenager could not cope what can i do - jean

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