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Difference between High-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome


Is there any difference between Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism? Are they same disorders with different names? Let us try to analyze the same.

Autism, as some of us know is a brain disorder wherein the person lacks proper social communication and interaction capabilities. The range of symptoms is discrete with people finding totally uncapable of communicating to people who cannot understand what others are saying. Due to this breadth of symptoms, the Autism is also known as Spectrum Disorder which comprises of multiple disorder - Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, Autistic Disorder, etc.

High-functioning autism (HFA) is one the disorder from the same spectrum, and it lies in the top of the same. The symptoms of Autism are very little in these people and they are not affected majorly by the symptoms of ASD.

These people have average or more than average capability and intelligence. Due to this psychiatrists often believe that High Functioning Autism is same as Asperger's syndrome. However, there are minor differences which distniguishes both these disorders.

Difference between HFA and Asperger's Syndrome

In kids with high functioning autism, there is language related delay which occrs early like in other Autistic kids. Whereas in Asperger's Syndrome, this classic language delay is not present untill they start spoken language. Hence the language difficulties are not noted in these children.

Apart from this, there is little or no other difference so to say between these disorders. Often each of them are diagnosed in children at the same symptom outset. There is lot of discussion going on this topic to keep two separate diagnosis for them or have same diagnosis. It may be possible that the experts at DSM combine these two together in same disorder.

HSA vs Asperger Syndrome Graphic

The complexity in understanding the line of difference has led to concerns among practioners as well as parents since the two terms make them confused.

Due to the late onset of just the social interaction and language capabilities, parents often do not go to the doctors before in the case of HFA and Asperger's since the kids have normal intelligence and milestones are also present.

Are HFA and Asperger's Syndrome not different?

According to research and clinical experience there is not enough evidence that both of these disorders are clearly separate. There are lot many similarities than differences.