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Some Effective Anger Control Tips


If you are at home and upset about something or there are people bothering you, go to some place which is single-occupancy space like the bathroom or shower place. You can also go out to walk with your dog or alone as well.

If you are not at home and have started experiencing anger in an unfamiliar place or some public place, do not just move around like by yourself. Take help from someone else and tell whoever you are with about your immediate need to take a short mental vacation. You can even ask the person you are with to stand a few extra distances away from you.

Close your eyes and meditate. Think that you are in some nice and beautiful place. Try imagining yourself somewhere peaceful and calm.

Identify and try to see some humor in what angered you. Seeing lighter side of things can make you feel calmed down and well in control if things and the anger fade away out of the door in thin air. Cast the incident in a humorous light, and maintain some sense of positivity and finally avoid anger on similar things in the future.

Take help if it is getting out of control and impacting life of you are people around you. Check with a mental health professional. This is affecting others, is the reason that you need to calm yourself down and seek for help. It should not interfere with your day-to-day life and your ability to be in positive relationships. Doctor can assess the root of your problem and recommend any therapy, medication, or some other cure form as a combination of both.

Sometimes depression which can be diagnosed only by a professional expert on mental health, can be the root cause of someone getting constant bouts of anger and stress.

Don’t jump to conclusions. Angry people tend to jump to conclusions, however far-fetched. Just slow down. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. And take your time before answering.

Anger and frustration at times are due to some real and inescapable situations or problems in our lives. Sometimes, it can be healthy, natural response, but it can go out of control. Just remind yourself that unsolvable problems are handled by learning to face the problem.

Try these other tips for easing up Anger

  1. Take a break.
  2. Schedule some personal time during stressful situations.
  3. Take the first 15 minutes after coming home as a quiet time,
  4. Being tired, distracted, can make you feel like fighting. So take due rest.
  5. Try changing the times when you talk about important matters.
  6. Don't turn into arguments, simply avoid them.
  7. Don't look at what infuriates you. Keep yourself calm.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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