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Anxiety Introduction - One Pager Details on Anxiety


Can anyone in this world define Anxiety? What is it all about? It is being worried or it is something to relate with the thoughts and mind behaviour. We all know that the current news across us from the world warn us of international terrorism, global warming, and economic slowdown, we're all likely to be a little more anxious these days. Anxiety is like any day emotion which can happen to us be it in the fight or flight situation.

It is a response of out brain towards the situation at hand, It can be a good thing, which can help us to take some extra precautions. But when anxiety exists in the absence of emergency situation, it can interfere with our daily living as well as impact our physical health. Research and subsequent evidences shows that people with anxiety are at greater risk for developing some of the harsh and chronic medical conditions. The symptoms are also intensified if a person is suffering from some form of illness.

Anxiety is something which happen to all of us from time to time. Most people can relate to feeling tense, uncertain and fearful while thinking of an exam, hospital, attending an interview or starting a new venture. You are generally worried about feeling uncomfortable, appearing stupid or how successful you will be. These thoughts can impact your sleep pattern, appetite and ability to focus. The anxiety fades away with things getting successful or as what you have wanted them to be.

What is Anxiety comprised of?

Anxiety is a reaction to stress that has both psychological and physical features. The feeling is thought to arise in the brain region that governs many intense emotional responses, called amydela. As neurotransmitters carry the impulse to the sympathetic nervous system, heart and breathing rates increase, muscles tense, and blood flow is diverted from the abdominal organs to the brain. In the short term, anxiety prepares us to face the crisis by putting the body on extra high alert. But its physical effects makes it sometimes to be counterproductive, causing light-headedness, nausea, diarrhea, and frequent urination.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. Anxiety and fear can protect you from danger. You breathe faster to provide the extra oxygen required for energy. You sweat to prevent overheating. Your mouth may feel dry, as your digestive system slows down to allow more blood to be sent to your muscles. Your senses become heightened and your brain becomes more alert. Ongoing anxiety, though, may be the result of a disorder such as GAD, panic disorder, or social anxiety. Anxiety disorders are commonplace in the U.S., affecting almost close to 50 million adults. It does not discriminate with age, gender, or race.

Am I suffering from Anxiety

Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder comprises of following effects and feelings:

  1. excessive, ongoing worry and tension
  2. unrealistic view of problems
  3. irritability
  4. muscle tension
  5. restlessness or a feeling of being edgy
  6. nausea
  7. difficulty swallowing
  8. bouts of difficulty breathing
  9. trembling
  10. twitching
  11. hot flashes
  12. the need to go to the bathroom frequently
  13. tiredness
  14. fidgeting
  15. trouble falling or staying asleep
  16. trembling
  17. muscle aches
  18. headaches
  19. sweating
  20. difficulty concentrating
  21. being easily startled
  22. numbness in hands and feet

Causes of Anxiety

The exact cause of GAD is not fully known, but a number of factors-including following appear to cause the anxiety disorders:

- genetics,

- brain chemistry

- environmental stressors

- family history

- neurotransmitters

Some research suggests that family history can play a part in increasing the chances that a person will develop chronic anxiety. This would mean that the tendency to develop generalized anxiety disorder may be passed on from generation within a family.

Effects of Anxiety on Physical Health

There are some Short-term effects of anxiety like as follows:

1. Rapid breathing may make you feel light-headed and shaky, and give you pins and needles

2. Increased muscular tension can cause discomfort and headaches

3. Rising blood pressure can make you more aware of a pounding heart.

4. You may feel an urgent need to visit the toilet, and get 'butterflies' in your stomach.

5. Changes in the blood supply to your digestive system may cause nausea and sickness

Long-term effects:

1. Experience digestive difficulties

2. Feel depressed

3. Fear which comes with tension and lack of sleep.

4. It can impact the immune system which lowers the resistance to infection

Why anxiety is always on and what keeps it moving forward

Ignorance is bliss, but not in case of anxiety. About 30% of people with anxiety disorders go through life untreated. If you think you might fall into this category — or if you have IBS, asthma, COPD, or heart disease and haven't been evaluated for anxiety — you may want to consult your primary care clinician.

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