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Stereotypy Involves Repetition


What It Involves

Stereotypy is a common mental or physical tic that involves a person engaging in repetitive movements. These movements are commonly found in people with autism and other similar disorders. This is caused by the way how a person will end up being impacted by different ways and cause some damages to one’s lifestyle. This is a substantial risk to review when it comes to different mental disorders.

Common Movements

There are various different types of movements that could occur when it comes to stereotypy. For example, this condition can involve such things as rocking from one position to another or with marching in place. These movements can involve all sorts of different parts of the body or even some other risks that might keep a person from functioning properly.

The big concern about these movements is that they may occur at any time. It can be difficult to get some of these movements controlled because they can cause a person to develop mental habits with a variety of motions in mind.

These are often going to be rhythmic as well. In fact, they may be associated with certain types of activities in some cases. The randomness can still occur but it may not be as often when certain things are being done in life, thus being a substantial risk in many cases.

Why It Happens

There are many reasons as to why this condition will happen. For example, it has been found that stereotypy often occurs as a means of trying to control the ways how a person with the condition will function with stimulation in mind. This is used to keep the body stimulated and functioning. This is often seen by people with autism as a necessity for proper behavior even if it is not the welcome process for a person to deal with in public situations.

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