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How to Cure Rheumatism?


What Is Rheumatism?

Rheumatism is a medical situation once used to characterized disorders linked with many different parts of the body. Most frequently, people linked rheumatism with arthritis or with rheumatic fever, a complication of strep throat that can result in damage to the heart. Rheumatism is affected the joints, the muscles and the ligaments and more common among the middle aged and elderly people. That exact cause of most forms of rheumatism is not known.

Symptoms of Rheumatism

  • Fever
  • Intense soreness
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness of the affected muscles
  • Body pain
  • Joint pain
  • Pain in eyes
  • Loss of sleep
  • Coma
  • Improper urination

Prevent for Rheumatism

  • Take hot Epsom salt baths twice a week is beneficial. Still the affected areas should be bathed.
  • Take hot tub bath, cabinet steam bath; dry friction, sponge bath, hot packs and radiant heat relieve pain.
  • Do light outdoor exercises; deep breathing and fresh air are helpful.

Home remedy for Rheumatism

  • To treat rheumatism would be to have one or two tsp of raw potato juice before meals.
  • Blend 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil in a glass of orange juice. Whip and drink this juice before going to bed.
  • Take a glass of warm water; melt 2 tsp each of apple cider vinegar and honey. Have this mixture once or twice a day.
  • Blend carrot juice and lemon juice in equal proportions. Drink a large spoonful of this mixture, everyday, to cure rheumatism.
  • Take two tbsp of water, add one tbsp fresh limejuice. Drink  this twice a day -in the morning and at night.
  • Blend oil of wintergreen, chloroform and rubbing alcohol in the ratio of 1:3:12. Once the mixture is prepared, rub it on the affected area. It is beneficial to relief from rheumatism.
  • Take a quarter of cranberry juice, melt 4 tsp blackstrap molasses. Drink one glass of this juice everyday, for curing rheumatism.
  • Green stalk of rhubarb is effective in curing rheumatism. Squash this with equal amounts of sugar. Eat  a tsp of this mixture three or four times everyday.
  • Take a cup of bitter gourd juice. Mix it with a tsp of honey. Every day dose of this, for three months, would be helpful in treating rheumatism.

Natural remedy to treat Rheumatism

  • Celery is useful in curing rheumatism. You can also use it as a condiment or a fluid extract. 5 to 10 drops of this fluid should be mixed with a glass of hot water. Drink  this mixture before meals.
  • Take a bucket of warm water, put in some rosemary oil. Dip the affected area in this water. It would give relief from the pain and treat the inflammation as well.

Diet for Rheumatism

  • Take a pint of warm water, mix juice of three lemons and three tablespoons Epsom salts. Take one tsp of the mixture in the morning and one in the evening.
  • Intake foods rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin C in the diet. It  would help in treating rheumatism.
  • Eating half a dozen walnuts everyday is beneficial in treating rheumatism. However, make sure you chew them properly.

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