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Jessica Alba


Jessica Alba

Who is Jessica Alba?

Jessica Alba is the American television star and movie actress. Jessica was born in Pomona, California, on April 28, 1981. She was bought up in Biloxi, Mississippi, although. Her mother is a Danish and French Canadian and her father is Mexican American. Jessica's younger brother is Joshua. Her father was with the Air Force which demanded moving from one city to another, but the family settled in California at the end when Jessica was nine years. Her interest in acting start with the tender age of 5, and she got the first break at the age of 13 years.

She is married to Cash Warren in 2008 and has 2 beautiful children.

Famous work of Jessica Alba

Some of the most famous work of movie television of Jessica includes the following:

  • The television series Dark Angel (2000–2002).
  • Alba appeared in Honey (2003)
  • Sin City (2005)
  • Fantastic Four (2005)
  • Into the Blue (2005)
  • Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer in 2007
  • Good Luck Chuck in 2007

In January 2012, Alba along with her business patron Chris, launched a company known as "The Honest Company". They provide a wide array of toxin-free household goods, diapers, and body products.

Jessica and OCD and Anxiety Disorder

The brunette actress and the mother of 2 kids, who starred in the movies like the "Fantastic Four" confesses of have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which is a type of anxiety disorder. The OCD she was suffering was characterized by the desire of repeating certain activities, like constant hand-washing or hair brushing, etc.

She confirms that her anxiety related disorder and behaviour peaked at her 25th birthday where she became surprisingly anxious over her boyfriend scattering lots of baloons in the hotel room.

So do you think, you are or someone near you is the only one suffering from the OCD. We have Jessica Alba along with 2 million other adult American who are fighting with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders.

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are the only options left,
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