How to Get Rid of Masked Depression
TweetAs described in depresion symptoms, some of the depression symptoms are Physiological - for example loss of self esteem, inability to concentrate and lack of feelings. Others are physical like disturbed sleep, changed apetite, loss of sex drive, slowed speech, slowed movements and thoughts and intolerance of light and noise. It has been suggested that there may be a form of depression which goes unnoticed because although the physical symptoms may be very similar, the psychological symptoms and lacking, or the person has not mentioned them for one reason or another. It is suggested that such disorders are due to the same or similar bodily causes as the other unipolar depressive illnesses (even though we do not yet know exactly what these causes are).
In the 19th century, there was a disorder called neurasthenia, which was described as a disease in which the patient experienced severe fatigue.
It has been noted by some psychiatrists that what is currently known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) bears a strong resemblance to what the Victorians called neurasthenia. CFS used to be termed 'yuppie flu' because it was first identified as a problem experienced by those who were striving to climb the ladder of success and it often occured after the person had a viral infection, such as flu. It was also known as ME, but chronic fatigue syndrome is now regarded as a better name on account of the symptoms.
Looking back, it is usually possible to identify some stress or pressure in the suffere's life before the onset of this disorder. He or she also shows many of the physical symptoms of depression, but not often any of the psychological ones. this has lead some mental health workers to suggest that it may indeed be a form of masked depression.
CFS sufferers are reluctant, however, to accept a psychiatric diagnosis because of the stigma which seems to be attached to this. there is still a belief amongst the general public that a physical disease is 'real' whereas a psychiatric one is in some way 'imaginary' or less respectable. I hope that this site, in which I will show the possible relationship between the mind and body in all illness, will help to convince you that this view is mistaken. Unfortunately the attitude of the public at large is unlikely to change very rapidly in this respect, despite the efforts of all concerned. Only when we can finally diagnose illnesses such as depression by means of an abnormal blood test or something similar will those who suffer from mood disorder be given the same degree of acceptance as those who have 'acceptable' problems such as angina and diabetes.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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