How to Get Rid of Manic Depressive Psychosis
TweetDepressive Psychosis takes three forms:
- Simple retardation - In this condition the patient suffers from serious mental disturbances so that the physical and menatl processes lose their vitality and energy.
- Acute melancholia - In this condition the patient suffers from a greater depression and the blues than in the previous condition. The patient develops a sense of inadequacy and this sometimes even led to suicide.
- Suporous melancholia - In this condition the tendency towards suicide is further strengthened because the patient is now disappointed with life. The feeling for crime and sin grows, she/he is seen crying, vituperating and irritated with herself/himself.
Kinds of Manic Depressive Psychosis
- Recurrent mania - In this the patient experiences a recurrent of waves of mania, so that conditions of excitement and peace alternate quite rapidly.
- Recurrent melancholia - in this patient experience a state of melancholia depression.
- Alternate manic depression - In this the patient experience excitement or mania, then returns to his normal condition but then moves on to a state of depression. in this manner he oscillates between mania and depression.
- Manic depression of double form - Here the patient have both mania and depression.
- Circular manic depression - The disease goes from mania to depression in a circular pattern.
Cure of Manic Depression Psychosis
The following methods help in the cure of manic-depressive psychosis:
- Physical treatment: In this, the patients benefit from physical rest, comfort, nutritive food, warm baths, being employed and casual walks.
- Sleep therapy: Some patients also benefit by sleep therapy.
- Psychoanalytic method: As in the cause of other mental diseases the psychoanalytic method proves efficacious in this disease.
- Shock therapy: Some people also benefit by shock therapy.
Causes and symptoms of Manic Depression Psychosis
hello... it is very nice subject,and full;it help me too much in my study of clinical psychology,thanks again for this subject. - Remla Mostafa
50 years old male,married with 3 boys,he was aprimary school teature now retired,he stay as aprisoner of war in iran for 8 years, after comming home he developed a blast injury with amputation of right leg above knee and two of right fingers,he develops attacks of depressive psychosis with aggressive behaviour and one suiside attempt (burn),he deny to take any medication,befor 2 days he develope a new attack and we give him an injection of modecate intramuscularly, we need ahelp regarding medical treatment to prevent such attacks, remind you that in our area there is no psychiatrist with best regards. ---Majeed Khamo

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are the only options left,
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