Eating Disorders Among Adults - Anorexia Nervosa - Key Statistics
TweetAnorexia nervosa is characterized by emaciation, a relentless pursuit of thinness, a distortion of body image and intense fear of gaining weight, and extremely disturbed eating behavior. Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight, even when they are starved or are clearly malnourished. Eating, food, and weight control become obsessions for people with anorexia.
- 0.9% of American women suffer from anorexia in their lifetime.
- 1 in 5 anorexia deaths is by suicide.
- Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) is a ratio between the observed number of deaths in an study population and the number of deaths would be expected. SMR for Anorexia Nervosa is 5.86.
- 50-80% of the risk for anorexia and bulimia is genetic.
- 33-50% of anorexia patients have a comorbid mood disorder, such as depression. Mood disorders are more common in the binge/purge subtype than in the restrictive subtype.
- About half of anorexia patients have comorbid anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobia.

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