How to Get Rid of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) - Link with Dating
TweetSocial Anxiety Disorder - Social Anxiety Disorder symptoms, treatment, cause, test, medication of Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations. Social phobia can be limited to only one type of situation - such as a fear of speaking in formal or informal situations, or eating or drinking in front of others - or, in its most severe form, may be so broad that a person experiences symptoms almost anytime they are around other people.
What are the Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder?
Many people with social anxiety disorder feel that there is "something wrong," but don't recognize their feeling as a sign of illness. Symptoms of social anxiety disorder include:
- Intense anxiety in social situations
- Avoidance of social situations
- Physical symptoms of anxiety, including confusion, pounding heart, sweating, shaking, blushing, muscle tension, upset stomach and diarrhea
Children with this disorder may express their anxiety by crying, clinging to a parent or throwing a tantrum.
What are the causes of Social Anxiety Disorder?
There is no single known cause of social anxiety disorder, but research suggests that biological, psychological and environmental factors may play a role in its development.
One theory is that social anxiety disorder may be related to an imbalance of a chemical called serotonin that transports signals between nerve cells in the brain. Interestingly, this is the same chemical imbalance linked to other mood and anxiety disorders.
Another theory is that social anxiety disorder may run in families-especially among close relatives like parents and their children. Or it may stem from an embarrassing social event in the past.
What are the different types of Social Anxiety Disorder?
- Performance (or non-generalized) social anxiety disorder affects individuals only when they are performing in front of others. An example is severe anxiety or active avoidance of public speaking.
- Generalized social anxiety disorder affects a person in many different social situations, from going to a party to speaking with their boss. The generalized type is the most common and best studied.
- Avoidant personality disorder is considered by many anxiety specialists to be the most severe form of social anxiety. It usually starts at an early age and is much more common in males. Because it causes severe impairment in social functioning, these individuals have few friends and rarely marry. Fortunately, they respond to the same medications and behavioral treatments as those with generalized social anxiety disorder.
People fear rejection
Social anxiety disorder can cause a person to feel uncomfortable and less likely to want to date other people. A reason as to why this is the case comes from the fear of not being wanted by someone. A person might end up fearing that one is going to be rejected by another person when trying to date someone. This fear of rejection is one that can be great because it will suggest that a person is going to want to try and feel more comfortable towards other people. A fear of rejection is by far the biggest concern to watch for.
The public nature of a date can be scary
A person with social anxiety disorder can feel less comfortable when it comes to going out on a date due to how a date can be held in a public place. The public nature of a date can cause a person to feel uncomfortable and less likely to want to go somewhere. A big reason for this comes from how dating can involve a person possibly being judged by a number of different people who are at an area. For example, a person with social anxiety disorder might feel that one is being criticized by others at a restaurant over one’s habits.
Other activities can be influenced
The main thing about social anxiety disorders is that one’s activities can end up being impacted in a negative manner. This negative impact can prove to be very difficult to handle and can suggest that one’s mindset is going to be harmed to the point where it will be impossible to feel comfortable with others. It is a difficult thing to see but for people who have social anxiety disorder this is incredibly real and difficult to deal with.
What are the Treatments of Social Anxiety Disorder?
Effective treatments for social phobia are available, and research is yielding new, improved therapies that can help most people with social phobia and other anxiety disorders lead productive, fulfilling lives.
Both medication therapy and behavior therapy have proven successful in treating social anxiety disorder. Medication treatment includes several classes of medications that have shown to have markedly beneficial effects for many patients. Behavior therapy also provides a successful method for decreasing anxiety and avoidance in the social situations they fear most. Many find that a combination of medication and behavioral therapy is most effective. Your clinician can help you choose the most appropriate course of action.
Facts and Tips about Social Anxiety Disorder
- Social Anxiety disorder is a social fear or phobia of social environment and it includes uncomfortable feeling and fear of eating, talking at social places, and problems in relationship.
- Self-consciousness, shaky feeling, shivering, stumbling and too much sweating these are the symptoms of social phobia from which people may suffer.
- Drink lemon juice by adding some salt and sugar to cure dehydration occurred due to excessive sweating.
- Behavioral therapy and guidance on social skills these are the useful ways to overcome social anxiety disorder.
- Relaxation exercise and positive thinking these are the beneficial ways to control fear or phobia.
- Family members should boost up the confidence of patient to control anxiety.

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are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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