Leucoderma: Treatment and Symptoms of Leucoderma
TweetWhat is Leucoderma?
Leucoderma have been called more general vitiligo. It is an alarming skin condition in which the skin in white flarden appears. The word Leucoderma means litterally white skin. There is a gradual loss of the pigmentmelanine of the skin layers which results in white flarden. These flarden look at badly, especially in persons with a dark teint. The condition causes none organic. This sickness is caused nor by any germinates, nor is attribute it to bad blood. It is considered as for nor contagious nor contagious.
The flarden of leucoderma are possible of variable size and form its. They can occur only approximately everywhere on the body. In honest individuals, leucoderma go frequently unnoticed, but on dark skinned people it can be cause very visible and strict embarrassment. Leucoderma cause no health problems - as contagious or dangerous is not at all. It is only a cosmetic problem.
Leucoderma causes
- Excessive mental tension,
- chronic or acute gastric disorders,
- impaired hepatic function such as jaundice,
- worms or other parasites in the alimentary canal,
- typhoid,
- a defective perspiratory mechanism,
- burn injuries.
- Heredity is also a well-recognized causative factor.
What are the symptoms of Leucoderma?
- Small white spot, which later develops into patches.
- These patches are pale in the beginning, but become whiter and whiter as time passes
- Enlarging spots merge into each other and in course of time form a very broad patch.
- Increased local sunburns.
- Pruritis.
- Premature graying etc.
Home Remedies for Leucoderma
* The paste of the saffron of the Indies and the gasoline of sénevé is also salutary in the treatment of the vitiligo. Take approximately five hundred grams of saffron of the Indies and put-the in eight liters of water the night. It should be heated the morning until one kilogramme of water of the OH is left. It should be tended and to be mixed with the fine hundred grams of gasoline of sénevé. This mixture should be heated until only oil is left. It should be applied to brought back parts of white each morning and evening during little month
* the seeds of Babchi combined with treatments of seeds of tamarinier also. The quantity equal of seeds is put in water during three to four days. They should be transformed into the paste and to be applied to the white parts brought back during one week.
* A paste made starting from seeds of radish is useful in treatment.thirty that five grams of these seeds should be powdered out of vinegar and to be applied to the white reported parts.
* A useful remedy is red clay found by the side of river or on slopes of hill. Clay should be mixed with juice of ginger and to be applied above the white spots once in day. The copper contained in a clay brings back the pigmentation of skin and the juice of ginger is used as milk stimulant, facilitating the flow increased with the spots.

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