Self Compassion - One's Self
TweetA Momemt of Self Compassion can change your entire day. A series of such thoughts can change the course of your whole life.
This is the power and beauty of self compassion. Believe me, it really works very well. You need to overcome the thought that if we show kindness to ourself we think we are becoming selfish and arrogant. According to some scientific research, it has been found that self criticism can result in many negative outcomes in your lives. Self-criticism can lead take you to lowered self-esteem, and increased anxiety and depression.
Becoming self-compassionate is like visualizing things as they are appearning and accepting it - nothing more, nothing less. You need to understand, you are suffering and other are also suffering - some more, some less. This is an example of putting your thoughts under control and problems under perspective.
Being self compassionate is no different from being compassionate about others. Here is the chain of events - for being compassionate for others needs that you notice that others are suffering. You cannot ignore the sufferings. Now you need to be moved by the feeling of other person sufferings. Your heart needs too respond to the pain you see it brings. Compassion means feel the suffering together. When this happens, you start to feel care, desire to help for the suffering person. Now you offer understanding and kindness to others instead of behaving harshly and rudely. Now you are said to have compassion for another person. You need to understand that suffering and failures are part of life and universally present.
Self-compassion is feeling and acting similarly for yourself. You need to remind yourself that this time is very difficult for you right now and you need to comfort yourself with right care. Do not just judge and criticize yourself because of failures and limited success.
Some self Compassion related questions
Ask the below questions with yourself and try to give a genuine answer to yourself.
1. Do you care for yourself physically (e.g., you do exercise, take massage, drink tea, etc)?
2. How you care for your mind - you read books, you meditate, see a movie, etc.
3. How you handle yourself emotionally (you write a diary, go for a walk with friend/pet, etc.)?
4. Do you take care of your spiritual being - do you pray, observe fast, etc.
Some tips:
1. Treat yourself like you have cared for someone who came to you after failing or getting rejected. What and how you would treat that person, that is exactly how you should treat yourself.
2. You need to watch your own language about yourself. You might not realize it by self compassion begins with what you say about yourself. You become a lot self critical with this type of language for yourself.
3. Comfort yourself by using some simple physical gesture for yourself like holding your own hand, holding your hand over your heart, etc.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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