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How to Get Rid of Anosmia


Anosmia (loss of sense of smell) is caused by head injury and tumours of the olfactory groove (e.g. meningioma, frontal glioma). It is often lost, occasionally permanently, after upper respiratory viral infections and diminished when the nose is blocked.

Anosmia is the partial loss of smelling senses which is due to presence of any obstruction in nasal passages. Sometimes, the cause may be polyps.

The Causes of Anosmia

For many cases of Anosmia or loss of smelling sense, the reason is the nasal congestion coming from the cold, sinus, bad air quality, allergens from air. Some of tnhe other causes of anosmia might be as follows:

  1. Nasal polyps are the tiny growths or protudings in the nose which are not cancerous in nature. These growths can block the nasal passage thereby causing anosmia.
  2. Trauma or surgery related causes can also occue which can stop the functioning of nose and smell nerves.
  3. Harmful chemicals like solvents, DDT, another form of farming pesticides can cause anosmia.
  4. Some medicines can also cause anosmia through their reactions or compositions.
  5. Consuming drugs such as cocaine, Hasish, methyl, can also cause anosmia.
  6. Againg can also have the impact on the smelling capabilities similar to other slowing down body functions in the Old age.
  7. There are many other medical conditions which can cause the partial or complete loss of smelling sense. These can be, but not limited to nutritional deficiencies, congenital conditions, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, Korsakoff's psychosis, Paget's disease of bone, Parkinson's disease, Pick's disease, Radiation therapy, Rhinoplasty, Schizophrenia, Sjogren's syndrome, etc.
  8. Cancer treatment involves the chemical therapy and radiation therapy which can cause reduced smelling sense.

Effects of smelling sense loss

Looding your interest in eating, other lifestyle related routine can cause the person to be under constant pressure of healthy food intake and make him loose weight. Diagnosis can be done by viewing the detailed history and physically examining the patient. CT scan and MRI can be needed in severe cases where the causes cannot be ascertained.

Different types of smelling disorders

There are many different types of smelling disorders. Some of them are anosmia, hyposmia, hyperosmia, dysosmia, parosmia, phantosmia, etc.

Congenital anosmia is another type of anosmia, where the new born baby does not have sense of smell (some genetic disorder). It can be the only genetic disorder or it can be accompanied with other genetic disorders symptoms such as Klinefelter syndrome.

Treatment of anosmia

The anosmia which is congenital in nature or which is caused by the damage to nerves or brain cannot be treated. Other types of anosmia can be treated with glucocorticoids. Long term topical nasal spray, can cure anosmia effectively.

In the cases where anosmia is not treatable, the patients has to adapt and acquire strategies for coping with personal hygiene, appetite and health. The person suffering can also suffer from anxiety due to the difference from other people and psychological reasons.

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