How to Get Rid of Mild Depression
TweetMild depression usually causes symptoms that are detectable and impact upon our daily activities. The sufferer will show a diminished interest in things which he or she usually finds interesting or enjoyable.
It might be expected that mild depressive disorder would present with symptoms similar to those of the depressive disorders but with less intensity. To some extent this is so, but in mild depressive disorder there are frequently additional symptoms that are less prominent in severe disorders. These symptoms have been characterised in the past as neurotic and they include anxiety, phobias, obsessional symptoms and, less often, dissociative symptoms. In terms of classification, both DSM-IV and ICD-10 have categories of mild depression where criteria for a depressive episode are met but the depressive symptoms are fewer and less severe (see here).
Symptom of Mild Depression:
Because this is only the mild form of the disorder, the symptoms are not very severe. Sufferer may carry on with their normal lives, only appearing low in spirits and possibly less sharp in their thinking or in their interest. They may stop doing things they do not actually have to do, but will often continue with the essentials, such as going to work or carring for the family.
However, they will tend not to be as conscientious about these things as previously, or will become upset because they feel they are not coping as well as they should because they feel too tired.
What is the Treatment of Mild Depression?
There are many treatment options available for mild depression.
- Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, relaxation, ensuring sufficient and regular sleep, etc. (see in our depression selp help section) are often sufficient.
- Natural therapies such as St John's Wart may also be effective treatments for depression if it is diagnosed early - when 'mild'.
Back to 'Severity' of Depression (mild, modearte, severe)

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are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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