How to Get Rid of Depression in Men
TweetOnly the strongest of the strong can admit that they need help and have the courage and strength to get it.
Although men are less likely to suffer from depression than women, three to four million men in the United States are affected by the illness.
Of course, men also suffer from depressive illness, and their susceptibility may also be due to social factors. One possible, though as yet unproven, reason for the apparent increase in the proportion of men suffering depression is that, as women's roles change, so men are becoming less sure of theirs. Whereas once a men was able to regard himself as head of the household an the main provider, women's recent reluctance to remain at home as subordinates has challenged this role.
Facts of depression in men
- Every year, at least six million men in the United States suffer from a depressive disorder.
- Men are less likely to admit to depression, and doctors are less likely to suspect it.
- Both men and women experience depression differently and have different ways of coping with the symptoms.
Men find that they are unable to find the dominant position simply because they were born male. It is, perhaps, this insecurity which is making them more susceptible to depression.
A male friend of mine said recently that he believed all male depression was related to sexual difficulties. By this he did not mean problems with sex act itself, but rather problems over close relationships of the type involving sex. I disputed this first. But on reflection and further discussion, I had to concede he had a point. I have explained this further in section - relationship and depression which shows how a relationship leads to depression in men and women.
Other studies show that increased depression in men closely related to increase in alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide. Whether depression leads to alcoholism and drug abuse or vice versa not clear.
What are the Symptoms of Male depression?
Men suffering from depression are more likely to deny the symptoms, fight shy of treatment, try to cope by drinking too much, end up with a heart attack and be up to four times more likely to kill themselves.
Some of the typical symptoms of Depression in Male are as follows:
- Male in depression feels that the world set them up to fail.
- Men report feelings loss of concentration and loss of interest in work and social activities, rather than the emotional feelings of profound sadness, guilt and worthlessness that women acknowledge.
- Men in depression are frightened by failures.
- Men tend to exhibit more anger and agitated mood states.
- Male in depression faces sleeping disorders.
- They feel ashamed for who they are.
- Male in depression are frustrated if not praised enough and they tend to externalize depression.
- They never talk about weaknesses and doubts.
- A male in depression may blame his marriage instead of looking at depression as the primary problem.
- Uses alcohol, TV, sports, and sex to self medicate.
- They may complain more of physical aches and pains.
Depression in men should be recognized, accepted and attended to appropriately.Men are more likely than women to feel down about life events tied up with success, such as job loss and financial problems, as society has a higher expectation of men to be successful than women.
What are the treatments available for male depression?
There are several options for the treatment in male depression. Some of them are listed below:
- antidepressant medication is available specifically to treat depression,
- counseling or psychotherapy,
- exercise and right diet, positive thinking, life style, supportive relationships, developing coping skills, and developing stress management skills.
- male depression support group,
- In emergencies, or for some types of depression, ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) may be suggested.
Get more about these treatment for male depression
"Dying is easy. Living takes a real man. Living well takes a hero."

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