Home Fear Stage Fear

Stage Fear


Believe it or not, but stage fear is a natural and very common behaviour. You just need to remind yourself that close to 100% or people going on stage feels this fear, to varied extent. But the fact that everyone faces it is a universal truth. The way people and so as you can handle this fear, defines your success and failure at it. If you know some of the simple facts in life, your will be able to help yourself better.

You might be surprised to know that stage fear is not a phobia type, although it can make any best of the performers bend down with shaking legs. It can be exemplified by fear one faces, while speaking in public or delivering some public performance. It showers a hugh hail storm on the self-confidence and self-esteem. This can prove drastic for some of the many people and children and they might leave school, job, promotion, etc.

In very little sufferers of stage fear, it is present due to an existing social disorder such as SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) or phobia. This is just very few people, rest all are having this fear just without any underlying disorder.

Only strong determination and will power can help you overcome this fear permanently. The only best possible way is to be well prepared and and practiced for the show. Visualize yourself as successful, think that people are applauding your successful rendition of the performance, and believe that the chances of you getting success will increase manyfold. This is how you can overcome the stagefear.

You can try to be grounded and firm, keep yourself positive, follow a proper breathing technique, stop thinking negatively and stay focused with your body and mind. This can help you reduce the fear levels and calm you down.

For severe cases, sometimes people think that medication can help, but they forget that it is a common phenomenon and only learning skills which can reduce anxiety and learning certain cognitive methods will help overcome the fear.

Remember, the best possible and the only way to get rid of the stage fear is to face it head on and show it you have it you.

Remember that experience and practice is the best way to overcome the fear.
Remember that you have the power to convert every crisis sitiuation into an opportunity.

Remember, no intelectual talent can reduce stage fear more than going to the stage itself can lower.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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