Visitors Comments 1
Tweet"Dear Doctors, Thank you so much for a wonderful website and your generous offer to try and help." Douchele Wittwer, USA
Hello, I am very impressed with your site on the amount of information provided even for a novice to understand . Gr8 job!, --- Dev
Hi. Beautiful content and website design. Sorry for my english. I am from albania. --- Marko
I am impressed by the number of artricles posted on your site. Hope to benefit from it. Thank you for the good organisation.--- Martin Chivige
You have an excellent site easy on the eye and very easy to navigate, keep up the good work. Best Wishes. ---Mike
Hi. You have very nice website! Beautiful design and very interesting content. ---Martin
this is the first time i visit this website and really enjoy reading their tips and etc...hope i learned more...gudluck... ---Alley
Thank you. Love love love your support forum site. Like to see more activity:) ---majordepressedguy
when somebody is happy it depresses me when i watch something with a love story it depresses me because it remindes me that the person i love does not love me anymore
i wish i could get over this depression please help me.
Excellent site*****Great information, great forum*****keeps you coming back for more positive affirmations, good people, tons and tons of M.H. issues, information and sugesstions. Need I say more, See for yourself. ---majordepressedguy
Hi. I really love this site. I used some of your information for a project I am doing but i would really like to know who are the creators or authors of this site in order to put it in my reference. It would be really helpful. Thankyou in advance.---Jaselle
I have enjoyed visiting your site and would like to add a link to your site from mine. I have had ALS for 14 years now and consider myself extremely lucky but do know that a lot of people with ALS suffer from depression, with the diagnosis, comes the frightening fact that it is an incurable disease with three to five year life expectancy. That is certainly grounds for depression and I think that all of us who have been diagnosed have a certain amount depression which I guess is understandably a part of it. ---George Goodwin
I love this site. When doctors told me there was no more they could do, I found this site and found people who were going through the same symptoms. I was going through thanks to Cymbalta. People need input on drugs because doctors do not know anything about them. ---Celia
Truly amazing, HONEST above all, and sooo useful. Fantastic info about depression and anxiety we all use!---Rebecca
Fantastic and resourceful site! Two thumbs up! ---donna
Best site on mental health. I have ever come across. It is about the only site where you can find honest information about all depression treatment options including medication and it has helped me make many hard decisions on what to take. Great job, keep it up. ---Jessica

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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