By dealing with all the issues simultaneously the client will be given the opportunity to discover how each struggle is connected to another. The methods used here serve the needs of each specific treatment plan are: * Twelve-Step philosophy with multiple on-site and off-site meetings * Group Process and Individual Therapy * Family Program * Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) * Psychodrama * Nutritional classes * Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) * Grief and Spiritual Work * Integrative Therapies: Massage Therapy, Yoga, Art Therapy * Therapeutic & Recreational Activities Program: Adventure Therapy, Equine-Assisted Therapy * Neurofeedback Expert Full-Time Staff On-Site Our treatment team here at Cornerstone Recovery Center consists of full-time medical and psychiatric staff, psychologists, master-level therapists, EMDR specialists, registered dietitians, therapeutic activity specialists, and licensed therapy practitioners. Depending on you or your loved ones needs, a treatment team will be designed specifically for you or that person. The client will meet with their primary therapist once a week to discuss progress and current struggles. In addition, if Trauma related work or potential Eating Disorder related work is needed the client will meet with those specialists once a week as well.
I have experience treating a wide range of concerns including: family of origin issues, grief, loss, anxiety, depression, and addictions – both substance and process addictions such as sexual compulsivity. My graduate and undergraduate studies in neuroscience informs my work, it helps me see how the interaction between psychological, biological, and societal factors impact an individual’s experience and perception of the world.
You deserve a tailored, integrative approach suited to your needs. Together we will build a collaborative, therapeutic relationship to support you in creating the life you want.
I have a passion for helping individuals struggling with addiction. I bring a unique perspective to healing journey that includes a holistic, individualized approach. Recovery is not a “one size fits all” process. I look forward to discovering what works for you and helping you take that journey through recovery with confidence and success.
I have seen the toll that anxiety, depression and chronic pain can take on a persons life. In addition, stress not only magnifies medical conditions, it can erode relationships and change them from a source of strength, support and joy to a burden you have to carry.
I am certified in biofeedback and neurofeedback. I have extensive experience with chronic pain, trauma and comorbid medical conditions that have become complicated by psychological issues. As a certified practioner, I have helped many people cope with recent or childhood trauma, PTSD and chronic stress conditions.
I specialize in the areas of conflict-resolution, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, anger management, and trauma abuse and recovery.
I believe that taking our whole selves into account is crucial to the counseling process. I love to integrate faith into how we think, live, and engage with others.